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  • Home DZ
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  1. Thank you for your help. I guess my e-mail response didn't make it. I went to my daughter's house and watched it there. No audio, but having raised him, I can well imagine... I know he's "my baby", but all of you out there are somebody's baby. It warms a mothers heart rt to know what a brotherhood exists among you in the sport. All of you stay safe. And thatnk you again for the help in seeing the video.
  2. I watched the video at least six times. Then in stop action. Then I downed 3 glasses of wine. Needless to say, I am glad he made it. And proud of him. But regardless of this, nothing will stop me from going to Puerto Rico to visit him and make a tandem jump with him. This mother's son has already given her plenty of bragging rights, but a little more can't hurt. And Chris, I loved the ending to your movie!! Love, Mom.
  3. I have been unable to link to the video. Hearing about this over the phone was a jolt - but the fact that I could was a miracle. I am his mother. Is it possible to activate the video again.