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Everything posted by g_whitey

  1. I know you’re wrong because we have way more knowledgeable and experienced people than you looking into this accident and you’re saying stuff that we all know from the facts to be 100% wrong so stop speculating!!! You have no idea and are by no means helping anyone with the wrong info your passing!! The real story will come out for all to hear when it’s allowed to. So are we going to meet or what?? Stop being a coward! Once again who are you??
  2. First, not passing wrong and bad info like your dumbass is much better than remaining silent for now! Second, I received a massive head injury and can’t remember anything of the entire jump so unlike you I am not going to pass bad info, I will let the facts and experts tell the story. I’m not some scared little punk like you saying lies and passing completely wrong info! Say who you are or meet me somewhere and we can talk about this more. Your choice of where and when since you want to know so much.
  3. Bandito, I don’t know who you are but I sure would like to meet you. You have said a lot that is not true, just to prove a point I don’t own a bonehead helmet nor was I wearing one (concrete). You have been saying a bunch of BS that isn't true. I bet you a lot of money you wouldn’t repeat it to my face or the face of anyone at the DZ! You need to just shut your mouth about things and people you don’t know!! Stop telling lies and passing bad info!! You have no Idea what happened so shut up. Skydive Colorado, the owner and the jumpmasters there are awesome safe skydivers and people that would never do anything that is wrong, illegal, or that would cause someone to get hurt! Your just someone with a personal problem that needs to solve it like a man and stop hiding behind your computer. The DZO jumps the same gear as everyone else and maintains it meticulously! I would jump any of his gear again today! Neil is a great person, skydiver, and teacher. So if you need to settle something with him than do it, stop hiding and go handle your beef like a grown up and stop talking about people and things you know nothing about. Greg whitehurst