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  • Home DZ
    SE Qld
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    Formation Skydiving
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  1. Seems to me that the general opinion is that it's inappropriate to abuse children - irrespective of gender
  2. I've used Polar monitors in various iterations for years, I've never had problems with them. Check the details on Timex, I don't think that they show heart rate continuously - could be wrong, I know that was the case with a Timex that a mate bought a few yers back
  3. Mmm, no photos in the gallery, price reduction (now $299 down from $399)..... Who certifies qualified tandem-base instructors?
  4. Were the reserve loops Cypres originals?
  5. Sure they do - have you ever seen a donkey successfully land a plane?
  6. I saw that episode! It really cracked me up "what, turkeys don't fly?"!!!
  7. A mate has just put Sram Red on his Jamis in place of Ultegra; the setup is really good, shifting seamless and quick.
  8. Op regs in Australia require that an AAD be used by holders of 'A', 'B' or 'C' licenses. Holders of a 'D' license must have an RSL fitted if they don't have an AAD, 'E' license jumpers are not required to have either an AAD or RSL. See regs 5.1.15 and 5.1.16 http://apf.asn.au/apf-op_regs.html
  9. Skydive Byron Bay, great location, great plane, regular AFF courses. Not a bad part of the world to spend some time!
  10. We use JM1 and JM2 to describe positions - each is as "capable as the other, JM1 is "Main" side & JM2 is "Reserve" side
  11. Depends on where you want to be - climate varies substantially, which means lifestyle does too! In Victoria, Nagambie is probably worth approaching - they're a busy DZ and run a Cresco XL750. In New South Wales, Sydney Skydive is the busiest DZ as far as I know - they do a lot of tandems and have a good spread of fun-jumpers, and also have a Skyvan amongst other planes. Further north, you may want to try Skydive Queensland - they run a tandem operation at the Gold Coast with chopper jumps and a fixed-wing DZ inland (about an hour in from the coast) with both tandem and a good fun-jumper operation - planes vary from Caravan through 206. Further north still there are a whole lot of smaller DZs, all worth a look - Airlie Beach, Towsnville (Coral Sea Skydivers - they have atandem operation on Townsville and fun-jump at Ayre) with a 207 and a 182. Skydive Mission Beach, at Cairns, also run an XL750 - they have a busy tandem operation, don't know if they do much in the way of fun-jumping though. Hope this helps
  12. I'm looking for an indicator LED / circuit that'll let me plug into the LANC socket on my Sony PC108 to indicate when the camera's in standby and when it's recording - sort of like Cameye but without the control switch. If anyone knows of a supplier or has a circuit that's tried and tested I'd really appreciate it. Cheers
  13. I wear multi-focal soft contacts under Grateful Fred's and carry a bottle of drops in my jump suit incase they start to dry up in the plane - works a treat for me, never had a problem in freefall.
  14. It's in a great location, probably does more tandems and students than fun-jumpers though. I don't think they have a high retention rate on students completing either AFF or static line (yes, they do still do static line!). I think they fly a 206 and a 182. It's been a few years since I jumped there.