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Everything posted by hemphog
All about the printshop for mindless. 9-5 usually too. Just make sure you have a radio or something Call centers taking rental car reservations works too... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Ya we'll rape the local objects, and maybe do some jumps too!"
That's awesome doode!! But you gotta get it right... "Hi mom, ya, we're just comming BACK from the... maaalllll..." (and don't slip n say bleeding prostitute! ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Ya we'll rape the local objects, and maybe do some jumps too!"
hey man, it could be worse. I just got off a whole week of nothing but butter, boxes of kd (no name crap), and potatoes. No milk or anything. just tap water. The kd cheese powder and water goes good with butter and baked potatoes I'd be dead without multivitamins ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Ya we'll rape the local objects, and maybe do some jumps too!"
My mom's finally cool with the skydiving thing now.... But she wants to know how many BASE jumps till I can quit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Ya we'll rape the local objects, and maybe do some jumps too!"
Try this man anonymouse depending how your office is set up, these proxies tell the office you're on 1 site while viewing another. If it doesn't work a bunch of this type of thing are listed here ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Ya we'll rape the local objects, and maybe do some jumps too!"
You have definitely not come to the right place. Should be entertaining tho When you puckered up did you leak? Is it a busted sphincter? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Ya we'll rape the local objects, and maybe do some jumps too!"
Only one I know of is listed on BasicResearch.com (they are now Apex, but the sites are different still for some reason.) Anyway, It's been updated at the end of september of 05. Go to accessories and a poster is listed there. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Ya we'll rape the local objects, and maybe do some jumps too!"
at least the PC didn't wrap his leg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Ya we'll rape the local objects, and maybe do some jumps too!"
Good ole Protec here. fits just right with a tuque on under it for these months ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Ya we'll rape the local objects, and maybe do some jumps too!"
pretty solid arguement there ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Ya we'll rape the local objects, and maybe do some jumps too!"
Are you in huge danger when you get an MRI? Just don't spend all day up there standing right beside the transmitters. If you're a few feet away you're fine. besides, when you're there, your mind is on other more immediate dangers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Ya we'll rape the local objects, and maybe do some jumps too!"
If you read the report from Motorola on the Base WIKI site you'll see those are general reccommendations to workers for being around the towers. I'm still trying to really understand it all, from what I gather is: -don't climb AM towers -stay away from the topmost stinger (usually TV) by at least 10 feet or so -keep 3 feet away from each transmitter -if you're resting while climbing, don't do it on level with a transmitter (go a few feet above/below). The attached pic posted on a US site means there are transmitters with 10x or more power then recommended exposure present. In theory, they could actually heat the skin (near/at contact). Not sure of the transmitter power? The ghosting and noise recorded on your camera when standing beside one is a good indicator it's got no bite ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Ya we'll rape the local objects, and maybe do some jumps too!"
dude... they go in there with a KNIFE!!! You're actually going to let them do that? Just go be a test subject for the male birth control pill I watched a video of the surgery in high school, and 1 of the guys in the class actually passed out. I'm usually not very squimish, but it tripped me out. Sooo ya. Good luck with that ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Ya we'll rape the local objects, and maybe do some jumps too!"
I agree with you not liking what's christmas has been made into. But it's yours to enjoy how you choose. Why hate it? For me it's time off school, get to see more of family and friends, great food, and... SNOW! Start of the boardin season baby! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Ya we'll rape the local objects, and maybe do some jumps too!"
No, but it's been posted several times over the past few weeks Edit: Most recent post ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Ya we'll rape the local objects, and maybe do some jumps too!"
I use a similar setup for my static line (about 4.5 feet long). No carabiner, just a loop about 8 inches from the P/C. Tie the breakcord to it and some strong cord that would remain on the object. No advice on a building tho. Never done. Good luck bro. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Ya we'll rape the local objects, and maybe do some jumps too!"
I give buddies slaps when they act like that. Then make em buy some rounds. Women don't want nice guy pushover types, nor do they want abusive assholes. Think mid-range. You don't need "games" or "techniques", just don't be a puss. Be a challenge. I'm sure you girls will correct me if i'm wrong here ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Ya we'll rape the local objects, and maybe do some jumps too!"
I don't know of any but i've seen some DAMN close ones! Had our C182 gear clear the flagpole (which is about 10 feet off the ground) by just inches.... Awesome! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Ya we'll rape the local objects, and maybe do some jumps too!"
love it! If it goes much longer go see a doc. Your immune system should be kickin the ass of any viral infection by 14 days. If it's not getting any better, it's check out time just to be sure. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Ya we'll rape the local objects, and maybe do some jumps too!"
So you're suggesting that if there's a gathering of jumpers at a legal object somewhere, to do up our own editioral about the experence with a pic or two? I guess I'm just kind of concered to be named in anything you know? Not too sure if this means I'm selfish in thinking this or not. I do see where you're going with this. You're right, the only exposure people get on BASE are the accidents, and they just think everyone who does it has a few screws loose. It would be better to give them a view from the other side. Do you think it would work? Wuffos understanding it any better? I guess, after really thinking about it, it's only going to do more good than harm. Even if people think it's crazy, but are more exposed to the fact, they might loosen up a little... hopefully It is worth a shot. You've convinced me Nick. I'm still nervous bout names in the paper tho. I'll have to give you a shout after my trip to the potato bridge in may. If any of these do get published, be sure to post links for us. Pace out! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Ya we'll rape the local objects, and maybe do some jumps too!"
I totally see your point Nick. I just don't think I'd want articles in my local papers. There are no legal sites around, and I'd much rather have someone figure that hidden parked car they stumbled across belongs to hikers/campers/hunters instead of possible jumpers by a local A. Awareness could result in tighter security on some objects. And that would just suck. Right now, too few even know it's going on... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Ya we'll rape the local objects, and maybe do some jumps too!"
ta hell with that jinx crap. Better to have and not need, then forever say "what if?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Ya we'll rape the local objects, and maybe do some jumps too!"
The answer to so many questions! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Ya we'll rape the local objects, and maybe do some jumps too!"