This is probably one of the most thought-out posts I've seen yet on these boards! I've been quietly sitting back reading dz post for some time now, and I have been reluctant to join in any discussions because I have only jumped once, and it took having tons of faith in my tandem master, whose also a very good friend, the fact that my daughter, son and husband all jump, and just about two years of fighting it with all I had in me, to actually get onto a plane knowing I was going to willingly jump out of it. I did, after all was said and done, enjoy it. But it is not for everyone, and I totally agree that trying to encourage anyone else---trying to push anyone else--into it is something close to irresponsible. It is a dangerous sport, or at the very least, it's an extreme sport, and when things go wrong, they can go terribly wrong. I know the absolute enthusiasm you all feel (like I see in my husband and son, espedially) tends to overflow into nearly every aspect of your lives, and I imagine its hard for those of you who are "hooked" have a difficult time understanding why everyone wouldn't just love it, if they'd just try it!! But I do agree--passive encouragement is fine. Those who have even a tiny bit of desire to try skydiving will do it in their own time, and it's best not to make them feel cornered into it.