I hear ya... women can be just as nasty as men when it comes to that stuff and everyone should be considerate of others that need to use the bathroom after them!!! My hubby is a very clean guy, however, I DO need to clean up a couple dried drips of urine on the floor every couple of days or so!! I do bring it to his attention and he swears that he cleans it up! It's a small pet peeve I am willing to live with, but it does makes me wonder just how much splatter was there to begin with if he already cleaned it up.
And here's an interesting fact that he so kindly shared with me (maybe you all know this, but I didn't). Ever wonder why there are always little rust spots on the base boards next to the toilet area in the bathroom??? That's from all the pee splatter from men!!! I just thought that the rust spots were because it was a moist room from showers and stuff!!! Ewwwww!!!! I could have lived out the rest of my life without knowing that... too late now! And now I have passed on my knowledge to all of you who didn't know this! Yes, you're welcome!!! The sky's not the limit, the ground is!!!