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Everything posted by rigger_john

  1. A few reasons, but amongst them are that opinions among riggers differ, I see big variations on rigs from the same company with no obvious reason as to why. _________________________________________ Nullius in Verba
  2. Question for all the riggers out there. What in your opinion is the correct length of excess cable on a reserve ripcord, from the terminal fitting to the inside of the handle? How do you come to this figure? How much is to little & too much? Why? Over to you guys _________________________________________ Nullius in Verba
  3. Kiwi, you have loads or RI gear at RAPA, no comments? _________________________________________ Nullius in Verba
  4. Hey Chris, if you do that half rig test, I would be very intrested to hear what you find out. The idea of a car wash is horrendous to me. I would love to have some real data to back up my gut feeling or not as the case maybe. _________________________________________ Nullius in Verba
  5. Hey old man, get back on your laurals _________________________________________ Nullius in Verba
  6. I've seen a lot of people get off spinning mals over the years and I can't remember anybody go anywhere apart from away from the mal, normaly very very fast, I realy don't see where this idea about getting caught up in your reserve deployment comes from. I think the catapult is a good soloution to a problem, although a quite rare one. I'm not saying it doesn't have problems but all the arguments I hear against it seem to ignore the laws of physics. Now we sortted that Next....... why RSL should be mandatory _________________________________________ Nullius in Verba
  7. I think it does have the sliding gate _________________________________________ Nullius in Verba
  8. That seems a little quick _________________________________________ Nullius in Verba
  9. I think the "ask the rigger to let you watch you pack your reserve is a good indicator" but it won't tell you anything about the riggers ability to make repairs. Word of mouth IMO is probably the best recomendation. _________________________________________ Nullius in Verba
  10. A recent post about Javelin reserve pilot chute & bridle stowing got me thinking so I would like to here some opinions on this. If a 1991 Javelin comes in for a repack, do you pack it to the current manual or to the one that came with the rig? What happens when a rig manufacture changes the manual but makes no effort to promalgate any info about the change? How about rigs like the old Mirage which was made by several diffrent companies, do you have to use a manual from the specific mnufacture or will any of the Mirage manual do? Riggers . . . your thoughts. _________________________________________ Nullius in Verba
  11. "predecessor"! Don't you mean pre minor change _________________________________________ Nullius in Verba
  12. Wouldn't that depend on which side of the equator you are on?
  13. And when I said . . . _________________________________________ Nullius in Verba
  14. Some governing bodies do have disiplinary systems in place. The BPA riggers commitee have a system to disipline wayward riggers. _________________________________________ Nullius in Verba
  15. Sweeeeeet _________________________________________ Nullius in Verba
  16. Where does this come from? All the evidence I have seen indicates that parachutes are damaged most from handleing. Then from use, and expousre to UV, and time by itself has little or no effect on nylon _________________________________________ Nullius in Verba
  17. I know it's different in the UK, but what normaly happens here is we contact the previous rigger. My personal view is if it's serious I would inform the customer too but let them know I had spoken to the rigger. If it is a potential fatality I would inform the previous rigger that I was reporting the find to the Riggers Committee. Of course that is in the UK. _________________________________________ Nullius in Verba
  18. Best free rig I've ever owned Good point! but I'm sure they are still out there. _________________________________________ Nullius in Verba
  19. At the DZ I work at we place the tag on the left hand backstrap. So i dissagree with your statment, because as you say . . . so if it does have a ROL system it interferes with the deployment system. _________________________________________ Nullius in Verba
  20. If you did the rig would not match the paperwork, form 112, just tell your rigger you don't want it sealed. If he won't do it find a rigger who will. I only seal reserves when people ask me to. _________________________________________ Nullius in Verba
  21. When I said UK riggers are packing sports reserves, I should have said, riggers working under thier BPA insurance, are only packing sports reserves. Of course UK riggers do pack PEPs but not under BPA insurance. If I were to pack one I wouldn't seal it anyway. Partly because I don't think there is a real benefit to sealing reserves. But that is just my opinion. Seals were banned in the UK for a long time, because of somebody using the wrong thread (M40 bonded nylon instead of seal cotton). I can't recall why the ban was lifted, I think there might have been a lot of political pressure, I'm not 100% sure but I think the military sports centres wanted to seal so the BPA removed the ban, but adopted the no break seal method. I suppose that is a fair point, here in the UK reserve packers must attend a course and then work under supervision of a rigger before they can go onto the exam. So they should be educated as to how and where the seal is used. As for other organisations that have less formal rules regarding instruction you may well have a legitimate concern. It might not be a word yet but English is a dynamic and living language, you Americans should try using it now and again
  22. Hi Terry, I was one of the riggers on the committee when the BPA method was adopted. For a long time the use of seals was strictly forbidden in the UK. This is because they have been know to get into the grommet on more than one occasion when attached using the FAA method. This cased a fatality in Norway but I can't remember exactly when that was. The BPA method requires the use of a single layer of seal thread which passes through the top layer of fabric on the pin flap, normaly there is a layer of plastic, generaly 1mm polyurathane under that layer. Remember Riggers working under the BPA system are packing sports containers. Also we have been using this method for at least 4 years and we have not had one single problem. Every malfunction in the UK is reported to the riggers committee. regards _________________________________________ Nullius in Verba
  23. Hi Jim, the total life limit was removed in the UK about 10 years ago, it was 15 years but it only applied to reserves not H/Cs. A Rigger friend of mine in Germany told me there was a limit of 15 years on gear in Germany, but a "master" rigger could extend the life. _________________________________________ Nullius in Verba
  24. Derek Thomas told me he wanted to put the skyhook on the Javelin! I guess that could count as praise. _________________________________________ Nullius in Verba
  25. I agree beating up shoplifters should be left to the cops! _________________________________________ Nullius in Verba