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  • Home DZ
    Hibblestow, Emporia Brava, Hinton
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  1. You know where the door is
  2. Oviously never been out with a rugby team on a piss up... theres a rugby gentlemen watch the game and holligans play it... in football... getlemen play the game and hooligans watch it. Y do american fooballers where pads?? PUSSIES END OF
  3. BirdBoi

    Beer knowledge

    No u didnt spell that "rightl" lol
  4. Are you mad?? footballs only big in one country?? Do you reasearch Try the whole of europe..brazil ect....
  5. Having the same experince as you roughly.. i would definatly recomend jumping with a coach until you get the stable position as i did. You could be slipin and slidin all over the sky for all you know which isnt that safe. Hope your using an audiable too. The best resource is a couch.. expensive but worth it.. youll never get a good position on you own... P.S should have gone in the FreeFly section
  6. Confussed now.. lets call the real football football and the american one... rugby with pads. lmao And wats the difference between cricket and baseball players.. both play a slow dullish sport.. and yes the best player do deserve respect as the rest of us are shit at it
  7. My main objective here was to find out why the sports arnt played there..(NOT FOOTBALL or SOCCER) rugaz and cricket and why we dnt play A-footie and baseball.. jus seems strange when they are all such big sports
  8. LMAO dnt have to tell me that...we give them the most grief of all (arseholes)..after all we did fukin invent the sport lol
  9. I stopped at "ive said it before" lol Playing.. and yer wat youve said is ture.. but im only 20 so the word "Relationship" isnt one i hear much..i usually say " Wat are you still doing here" Drama is for people who care wat every1 else thinks, family and close friends will always forgive you .. who gives a Flying fook bout every1 else...The girlies do luv a bit drama tho...
  10. LOL ino but its called short hand.. and its our language so ill say things how i want. Bush said the word "Favorabilitly" the other day LOL Even if i did exist it would hav a U in americans and your funny spellings hehe