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Everything posted by Cyanide41

  1. VSG... Now of course I have only seen like 2 pics of you on here but from what I have seen you are hot. FAR from a butter face. I think most butter faces know it deep down inside. Unfortunately many are in denial. Kind of like that fat girl in the club that wears a little tiny ass outfit as if no one will notice her rolls exploding from that mid-drift low cut shirt and those pork slaps she calls thighs. JAMES
  2. The fact is that MANY people have to re-take a level(s). My problem was learn to relax and getting a good stable body position. On level 3 (the let go) I first had bad lower body position. Failed. Then I did it again and had bad upper body because I was focused so much on my legs. failed. Then the 3rd time I put it all together and passed with flying colors. Then I was so happy I completely screwed the dive flow on the next level. Body my arch was beautiful!!! After that it has been smooth sailing ever since. (knock on wood). So if you relax and stay focused at the tasks at hand, then you should be fine. JAMES
  3. Welcome to .... you should fill out your profile! JAMES
  4. I found THIS in the classifieds. I hope it helps JAMES
  5. BS! buy it now, and sell it for 2x the day Shelby dies. ... Ok, make it the day after just out of respect for the man. JAMES
  6. My father has a sail boat and I have often wondered what it would be like to be on a sailing vessle such as the Star of India. Where did you find this info? JAMES
  7. It's pretty lonely here in your pants. HELLO!!! HELLOO!! Hellooo! Helloooo. **EDIT**Sorry there really are people in here. It wasn't done loading JAMES
  8. I kept hearing Led Zeppelin's "When the levy breaks" It has been pouring here for 3 days straight. JAMES
  9. Check out lake Hodges overflowing! Click here! JAMES
  10. Cyanide41

    Strip Tease

    OK....You get extra brownie points for this answer!!! Where can I get me one of those for myself? This one come with a stage too. CLICK ME! JAMES
  11. Next weekend would be a better to have off anyway. All this rain puts a damper on all my hobbies, except for snowboarding. Mammoth Bound baby!! JAMES
  12. I wouldn;t give her mine eather..... or atleast not untill I got a camera set up in my room. It was reported on TV last night that the guy bought a 3 Mill house in LA and reportedly made 7 million from video sales. I can't stand Paris Hilton... but for $7million I can pretent to love her. JAMES
  13. I agree. I love when people make this big dramatic exit and say "this is my last post and I am never comming back" then the reply 2 posts later. JAMES
  14. One thing that no one told me untill it happend for the 2nd time.... is that most people fail at some point(s) VERY few people make it through AFF without repeating a level or two. I think I read on here about a person who passed AFF after THIRTY EIGHT jumps!!! JAMES
  15. I saw that jump! It was awesome. JAMES
  16. It does have a lot of attachment points! That it does!! To bad it doesn't have any sheets. Satin feels nice on the skin. JAMES
  17. Her Sister!!! no? Ok.... Well you should do what ever it is that turns you on. What works for me, may not work for you. Use your imagination. Maybe watch some "training flicks" Get her to watch them with you. Take her to a strip club. (a nicer one not the sleeziest one next to the airport) Do it somewhere you aren't "supposed" to do it. One thing that worked well for me was those vibrating panties. We went out, she had them on, I had the remote.When we got home she attacked me. (which I thoroughly enjoyed) The possibilities are endless here!! Good Luck! JAMES
  18. Move to Cali or NY.... can't smoke in bars there. JAMES
  19. Hello Kristen and Nicole. Welcome to the site. I am new here too though I lurked for a while. Your profile says your home DZ is Elsinor, but it also says you are in Alabama. So where are you? You could start your road trip now. Cali, AZ have great weather (just not today) you could start out here. Hit the DZ, hit beach, hit the slopes, hit the bar.... sounds like the good life to me! JAMES
  20. Having only 10 jumps, I have never been to any other DZ. The ocean views at SDSD must be hard to beat. Best part is year round jumping!! (most socal places are year round) JAMES
  21. I jump in CA. Damn I think I am the only one who answered this in the way you wanted.... I am going to have to work on my smart ass rermarks JAMES