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Everything posted by madhatter

  1. We had a 'classic' outside Paarl 2 weeks ago. Armed guards were re-stocking an ATM & while they were busy, a car stopped, 2 guys got out , lifted a moneybag with R100,000.00 and drove off. The guards didn't notice until a witness informed them of the fact. They've still not been caught... Just goes to show - any qualification above 8th grade DISqualifies you from working as a security guard in SA A VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! D.S # 125
  3. Awesome! Congrats! Can't wait for the pics
  4. Brave. Very brave. Extremely stupid, but brave... A VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! D.S # 125
  5. ... ... A VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! D.S # 125
  6. Thanks everyone! Spent most of my day at the cellar, but had some awesome wines in between, so all in all a great day
  7. OK, I had to do some searching & still couldn't find the outfit, but I did find the pic that first got me excited (or should it be ) A VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! D.S # 125
  8. Says the guy who actually knew where to find it! A VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! D.S # 125
  9. OK, not my model of choice, but does anyone know what you call the outfitshe's wearing & where one can start looking? To me this is really sexy A VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! D.S # 125
  10. My point exactly. Once again, I didn't post this topic in a judgemental sense, I'm just saddened by the occurence & wish there was something more I could do to prevent just ONE person taking that final step. A VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! D.S # 125
  11. At least you've pinpointed a reason to stay. 2001 I contemplated suicide, but got really mad at myself for thinking about it. I cancelled my life insurance and took a new policy that doesn't pay out for suicide. Because my parents are semi-dependent on me, THAT is what kept me going... It's really heartbreaking to think there are others who don't even have that little motivation and have to end their own lives.
  12. You might have noticed the big 'however' in the OP. I'm over myself and my arrogance in terming other's acts cowardice. I'm just sad when I think of friends lost
  13. You're right, I haven't been there. Close, but not quite there. The bloke from earlier this week wasn't clinically depressed, though. He's had a judgement against him for some income tax indiscretions (not a fraction of his true worth) and he thought this would be an easier option on his family. If he'd understood that stature isn't everything and people cared for him even if he made mistakes, maybe he wouldn't have tried this. While typing this I started thinking I'd do better in the Land of OZ - being naive and optimistic just sometimes doesn't cut it in real life
  14. Helpless. That's the worst part - just wishing you could have been there / seen it coming / done SOMETHING to prevent it. I've lost many friends. Some through accidents or crime, some to illness, but I still can't process that one who didn't have to go
  15. So. old chap, are we agreed it is not proper conduct to go around shagging another lad's bird then? A VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! D.S # 125
  16. Shouldn't you be having tea, or something, you bloomin' redneck? edit: maybe SA history needs to come into play here Wikipedia: South Africa In South Africa, the Afrikaans term "rooinek" (meaning redneck) was derisively applied by Boers to the British soldiers who fought during the Boer Wars, because their skin was sensitive to the harsh African sun. The phrase is still used by Afrikaners to describe South Africans of English descent. A VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! D.S # 125
  17. I was laways very outspoken about suicide, terming it a 'coward's way' of dealing with life. HOWEVER - 3 years ago I lost a very close friend of mine to depression. She'd been on a low for a while, but no one picked up how bad she really felt. I took a hike that afternoon & cried like a baby, wishing I could have done something to prevent her desperate forfeit. Lilly wasn't cowardly, she just couldn't continue... I still wonder if I could have made some difference to her decision if I had paid more attention... I had a talk this afternoon to another friend who tried to gas himself in his garage this pasr Monday and still can't understand why, if there are so many people who care for you, you still feel you can't share your feelings and ask for help. Why go to such an extreme!? So what if life isn't going the way you want it? At least it's still life!!!! Not sure why I'm typing this, but I just wish people knew that there's always someone who cares and there's always people left behind who suffer even more because of such an action. Sheesh! A bunch of you dz.commers have my number - if you need someone to listen - CALL!! Giving up should never be an option edit: spelling & context
  18. I voted, but he's not appearing in the top 5 yet... Good luck! A VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! D.S # 125
  20. Ssshhhhhh! They're just coming to the good part! A VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! D.S # 125
  21. Pity about the airframe, yup. Turbo Dak's came about ages ago, though. Nice thing is because the engine is longer & FAA regulations required a minimum distance between props and the cockpit, the fuselage had to be lengthened by at least 2 feet - loads more room for jumpers! edit: can't find my original article, but Basler indicates a 40" stretch.. A VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! D.S # 125
  22. You forgot the Before pic A VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! D.S # 125
  23. Almost midnight over here, so it would seem I was lucky this time Just remember we've got another Fri 13 coming in March A VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! D.S # 125
  24. madhatter


    Around Paarl here in SA we've had 95F+ temp's for the past week. Almost makes me wish I was over there A VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! D.S # 125
  25. You're heading out on thin ice, but I'll bite What'd she do this time? A VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! D.S # 125