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Everything posted by madhatter

  1. Half past noon this side of the pond, but g'mornin to ya! A VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! D.S # 125
  2. It's OK, we know you only use it to store your gum A VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! D.S # 125
  3. One night, around the bonfire, two newbies were being introduced the skygods and shown around. The man leading them around said, "See that old man asleep in the chair by the fireplace? His name is 'Twardo, our oldest member, and he can tell you some stories you'll never forget." They awakened the old man and asked him to tell them a story. "Well, I remember back in 1944, we went on a showjump... We jumped at 1,500'. I opened my canopy and lit the fireworks. The next moment there was this helluva explosion around my leg - WHAARUUMMMMMP!!!!!!!!!!!....... I tell you, I just shit my pants." The young men looked astonished and one of them said, "I don't blame you, I would have shit my pants too if things went for a ball of shit at THAT altitude." The old man shook his head and said, "No, no, not then, just now when I said WHAARUUMMMMMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Happy B-day!
  4. Congrats! Friends of mine celebrated their 9th anniversary too! A VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! D.S # 125
  5. Well put! A VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! D.S # 125
  6. Why don't you just carve one for yourself? A VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! D.S # 125
  7. My one and only Halloween (we don't have it in SA ) Funny hat (incl hair) + face paint + clothes from Goodwill Store = $25 (back in 2000) I had no-one to help me with the make up before the party, so I dressed up and went to Safeway 'in character' A VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! D.S # 125
  8. Ture words, but I live by the motto: "I'll try anything... twice!" A VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! D.S # 125
  9. Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance OR As my CI when I strated jumping put it - Assumption is the mother of all fuckups. Doing the homework is never a bad thing A VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! D.S # 125
  10. 1971 Jaguar XJ6 Series 1 1994 Nissan 16001 swb pickup 1997 Hyundai Accent 1979 Triumph Chicane (w overdrive!) 1996 Mahindra CL540 open jeep 1998 Nissan Sentra (Sunny) 140i 1998 Isuzu 250D swb pickup 2004 Ford 4.0 Ranger supercab 1999 Land Rover Discovery Series 2 2008 Ford 3.0 TDi supercab All of them bought, first one bought in 1995. Never before realised the eclectic mix I've owned in this short span.. A VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! D.S # 125
  11. Psychopack. results. Friend of mine has a Vortex 1 135 container and he's been packing his ZP155 into it for 10 years. A VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! D.S # 125
  12. [kicks dirt] Just our luck! Glad you're OK, though. You should really talk to your instructors about that flaring thing John mentioned A VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! D.S # 125
  13. Re my reply to Bertt - it is very important that said undergarment be shown in position and also a photo of the affected area for the rest of us to truly determine how big a deal it really was A VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! D.S # 125
  14. I only just got here! A VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! D.S # 125
  15. So... I hope Lisa won't be too upset with me, but her team for the AIDS Walk is still quite a bit below their target. Anyone willing to sacrifice the cost of a jump ticket (or 2 or 3) - here's the team's page (including some other dzcommers) Donations can be done via Paypal or credit card. Surely you're not going to be more stingy than a "third world" dizzycommer, are you? edit: had to correct spelling in the title. It's late over here, OK?
  16. Just made my {shudder} first (yeah, I know, ) call to a US DD list member. Somehow the time difference never worries me when people call ME I'll make it a priority to call you next time! A VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! D.S # 125
  17. Besides being fun chatting to people whoi were partying while you're still at work, commenting on some conversations would've been OK in that forum whilst you don't necessarily want to share it with the whole crowd around the bonfire A VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! D.S # 125
  18. I never get a card A VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! D.S # 125
  19. Sorry, but you're not. FAIL!!!! Remember - I've spoken to you during the good times too. You're hurting now, but enough of us know that somewhere really deep inside (if you dig far enough) you're exactly what Rosa described and more! Cheers! Can't join you with a whisky, but brandy'll have to do
  22. Everyone thinks I'm a nutcase, but I just let them. That way I get away with a lot more shit Used to write a lot. Letters, poems, just as an outlet for my feelings. Last year I was going through the stuff again and I realised that, by keeping all of it, I was also holding on to the moments that made me write it. I kept some of the stuff that had good memories and chucked the rest. A pity really, 'cause some of it was even better than SlyD's rantings, but it really helped me to face forwards and start anew. I still write every now and then, but if I recap and it's negative, I toss it straight away! Hang in there - you got your own thread on dizzycom of people that care for you - that should count for something!
  23. Pfffffffft!! We had a damn long winter, so I'm too happy with the coming of summer to keep it to myself! A VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! D.S # 125
  24. Ya lucky bugger! A VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! D.S # 125