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Everything posted by dirk.baumann

  1. I was kind of wondering if I should give the Skydive AZ Holiday Boogie a shot. However, I'd like to get some tunnel time first to brush up my RW skills. I am interested in the Airspeed FS tunnel camp Dec 18 - 20, 2005. Considering that this camp will take place only a few days before the boogie, I was surprised that there still seem to be slots open (I checked the website). Since I do not know how frequently the site is updated I 'd like someone from Airspeed or Skyventure AZ to tell me if there are still slots available. I e-mailed to info@tunnelcamp.com - I am still waiting for an answer. If someone from Airspeed or Skyventure AZ reads this: Please let me know ASAP because I'd have to book my flight (and, of course, the camp itself) within the next 24 hours. Thanks! Yours sincerely, Dirk Baumann (Germany)