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Everything posted by warpedskydiver

  1. Gee how cryptic... I don't think she wants everyone to know...DUH! WTF! SHE? Hey I was trying to keep his secret! I mean with the next Rainbow boogie having a blackout and all.
  2. Gee how cryptic... I don't think she wants everyone to know...DUH! WTF!
  3. Probably not... We were together for five years, we were engaged before I had to ask her to leave.
  4. Turned it down at six miles as well, just wasn't worth it to me. Alcoholics are sickening no matter how pretty or easy.
  5. Was trying to make things work, I was a sucker I guess. She is completely fucked up and will never be right again.
  6. 1400 Long story though, she was my recently former GF.
  7. I seem to remember a Christmas party where there was a guy and a chick in the Otter, in the hanger. I stuck my head in the open door and noticed they were fully clothed. They said " oh we are not doing anything in here" I said, well then get the fuck out! Geez... I mean it isn't as if there weren't people waiting.
  8. Can you run netbeui on it? . heck why would you want to?
  9. In was told long ago to be careful of the job that you apply for, because they will hire me. I have never gone to see about a job without staying a few hours and walking out with a job. Stayed friends with those folks to this day unless they are now deceased. It's weird but before getting out of there we wind up talking about much more than the job.
  10. That's never been done before I have NEVER played Nail the Wuffo in the Otter. It was a DC-3....Mr. Douglas as a matter of fact. hehehe, geez if the interior could talk. I think I might have known others that had done the same. But then I forget easily
  11. Yep, road food and good breakfast. You get great service during blizzards too. We were the only ones in there for two hours.
  12. Just count the number of lotion bottles in the recycling can.
  13. You just caused sphincter spasms around the globe.
  14. Never did Sturgis, I ride a sportbike. However it would be fun, although the full throttle and a few other places are pretty much full of posers. I have many friends who have attended and it would be akin to a huge boogie full of Wuffo's although they are all wearing rigs. I can usually pick them out wherever I go, everything on he bike is spotless, tires have nibs on them, all new leathers, HD socks and underwear too. Credit card bikers! Kinda screws it up for the real bikers, well at least the posers bring their women...it's not like they have to leave with the posers.
  15. Was it Rich? If so, yeah it's lots of fun.
  16. Don't forget to check the location of the poster Germany...It all makes sense NOW! Yep! I guess he favored the home team on that one
  17. warpedskydiver


    Damned they don't like nice boobies? No wonder USAF chicks were always hot for ARMY guys!
  18. WTF? You never have witnessed the attitudes of receptionist?