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Everything posted by warpedskydiver

  1. Well it happened today so many times I lost count, people even forced their way in so they could try and run the red lights. I was quite surprised to see that one lady who cut into it in order to run red lights was T Boned by a semi. Oh well, I guess that's Karma weighing in at 60'000lbs. Those people have no respect, nor brains. I was surprised to see a cop actually witness people trying to ram through it and then do nothing.
  2. But what would I know after a lifetime of shooting, ballistics, weapons, military and a bunch of other crap
  3. #8 is for little birds, if a sparrow breaks in use that
  4. so, what causes more damage, a 12-gauge buck-shot ro a 223. remington!? So, you want something for home defense. You should go w/a boomstick. You can load it lightly if you've neighbors close by. A .223 will go through several walls (or 4,000+yds) until it hits someone innocent. Over-penetration will still be a problem even if you don't miss. Overpenetration with .223rem is a fallacy, with the proper ammo it actually penetrates less than a 12gauge with #4 buckshot. 9mm penetrates more. Read the studies or experiment for yourself Choose a lightly constructed bullet like a ballistic tip that has no bonded core.
  5. To make a long story short there was an attempted home invasion three doors away I saw some people in the shadows after my dogs started barking so I went out with Tyson(gsd) and found it was two cops trying to search in the woods without using lights I knew one of them so he asked if I would threaten to release the dog so the perp came out running but tried to get away dog was released perp fell, dog was stopped
  6. It's nice to have people care!
  7. You should see one of them trying to outrun my dog, hilarious! Keep dat dog off me yo! Ill Kick his ass if I canz holdz my drawers up!
  8. I haven't left it off my person since last week. Unless I was home alone or at the dude's house it has been in my pocket. The offer to sell my dirty text messages was nice. As was telling people I had 2 boyfriends and that I like it up the ass. Sweet, no?? Wow, you just climbed the dz.com scale of hotness
  9. Congratulations. I too am working on something, only the market I am in gets very nasty when it should be a cooperation when possible. I am really happy for you, and yes it looks like you might be seeing a bit more pay
  10. Actually it all got started because the "Brothers" who were released from jail had no belt, they had lost weight while incarcerated and when they returned to Da hood everyone thought they were like heroes. They also used to do that when going into jail to signify they liked being on the bottom. This is according to a good friend who helps run max security at Cook County Jail.
  11. No insult was intended, I am not that tall myself. I am 5'11.5" but if I am down to 195lbs I look pretty thin. So that is like a 1ft and 100lb difference.
  12. You know it,some of my close friends (ones you know) make some FF'rs look slow. When on your belly when you do a hybrid and the guy holding on to you looks like a streamer, you just might be going fast.
  13. Sorry, it just bothers me a bit to hear guys dissing women for not being 5' and 98lbs. I mean, WTF that would be like fucking a midget. Someone I used to be friends with was all upset because his son was so small, his wife is 5' tall, the father is 5'6" I guess he thought his steroid use was going to help in making is kids as large as he thought he was in his mind. Well maybe his son can be a jockey...
  14. The thing is that you have to recognize that a woman who weighs a certain amount, even at a certain height, just might have more muscle mass than you would imagine. I know of several women who are in or above the 6' range and they weight close to 200lbs. Well one of them is lighter around 180. These women all have one thing in common, they can lift an incredible amount of weight, one if just a farm chick. Another is a biker, who works as a mechanic. Another one was an athlete before she became involved in severe drug and alcohol abuse. You would not imagine that they weigh as much as they do. My daughter is very shapely (Don't worry I have lots of ammo and a garden hose) she is just 15, she is 5'5" weighs around 150lbs, she has a tiny waist and can bench 200lbs in sets. She also runs for an hour a day.
  15. Nice looking watch,if only the kept reliable time.
  16. Someone call 911,I think I just heard Shah's back break like a dry chicken bone.
  17. You were a hall monitor at school weren't you?
  18. There are women on this very website that are not actually fat, larger than a 12 and would beat your ass to a pulp without spilling their drink. Think before you type.
  19. He was gonna spend it on hookers and blow anyways...
  20. I vote "Where they get naked when the sun goes down"
  21. I would gladly deal with sand fleas rather than some other critters. Like things that slither around your leg as you go through swamp with green foam algae on top. They sure have a PURTY MOUTH though Seriously, just leave the critters alone.