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Everything posted by warpedskydiver

  1. Personally I think the jump was cool, but I like the wingsuit base jumps from the fjords better, way better videos. I am happy for the guy really. Plus he did it legally so no Ballpeen hammer treatment by the cops.
  2. You are adding O2, I agree it makes a difference. Besides if you give some people oxy/acetelyne they might just burn through something they should not.
  3. I know someone who has landed at linestretch. He wouldn't. Anyone who tells you they would is a flat out bullshitter. You should get your detector tweaked You see the problem you have is you think these people would say it, actions speak louder than words. Heck they were jumping when you did not even exist.
  4. Psssst disinformation and intentional leaks are the name of the game. Of course it is pretty obvious but the sheeple don't know
  5. Yep, if a faster smaller vessel gets hit by a larger slower vessel, someone is an asshat. Of course the japs wanted to hit them as well, that is also why there was no laws of the seas followed in the incident. The whaling boat was bound by law to render assistance. Even naval vessels will pick up survivors after sinking them. UNLESS it is the Japanese navy in WWII, we returned the favor. My dad knew this all too well from experience.
  6. Exactly, and do not pick up the pieces with a bare hand
  7. At least you get it, it may get called year one but the year was not even in existence, year zero would be mathematically correct.
  8. The MAPP torch is great for plumbing, silver soldering case hardening with Hardnit and many other uses, the cost is LOW. quit using propane, thats for cooking and lighting paper.
  9. He does not need to get the bolt higher than 1400F Otherwise it will get soft.
  10. Jakee, lets face it you do not have a clue who I am talking about. Some of these guys would land at line stretch on purpose if they could. I will not say who because two of them still have their licenses, one is no longer needing his.
  11. That skipper of the stealth ship was lousy for getting hit by that slow poke. The captain of the Jap ship should be hung from a yard arm.
  12. Who holds the record for lowest base jump and surviving? What about the lowest intentional Low Pull? I have my suspicions it was one of three people. Two of which many of you would suspect, the thrid was a guy they might have said fuck you too. He had a habit of wadding up his canopy in a mess then stuffing it in the rig, then doing a low pull. Many times he was cited for it by the Nazis Rainbo has the shirt.
  13. Chris did you even read my post, Heat was mentioned very early in the thread and at no time have i said i would not try it. I did say i won t be connecting a battery to the bolt, but thats all i have excluded. I have a small propane torch which will use, if the numerous days of penitrine don't work, if heating doesn't work i'll try a cut off wheel. Although i am limited for ground clearance under the car. Randy has just been trying to ball bust because of the Decade thread Propane is a waste of time, you might as well use a disposable lighter, get with the program OK? I am not trying to mess you around, just listen to what I and others who know what they are talking about are telling you, Geez you would think that none of us have ever done this. I guess you never had a broken head bolt either, an EZ out might work on that but the easier thing to do was arc weld a longer bolt onto the remaining stub and hit it with heat, then use the impact turned up as high as you can.
  14. That is why I do not buy meat at the store.
  15. Anyone heard from him? I was looking for a contact number.
  16. Heck I live in Elgin, the outer marker for O'hare is right over me. When I laid out the ILS at O'Hare in the late 1980's (along with Henry Bivins RIP, Al Vittorini RIP, and Sal DeBari RIP) the flight path became very apparent, right down Lake St. (yikes I am the only guy on that crew left alive) They don't even need ILS, just follow the stinkin road until it hits the Elgin Ohare and then Thorndale. We got to see a B52 come in heavy, it was on the reversers at the fence. I think it was having electrical problems my BIL said, he was on duty at the ANG facility
  17. What a boring way to go through life Well i'm not the only driver, the missus would go ballistic if i fried the car, that's way more of a risk than i am willing to take We are not asking you to give it a freakin Viking Funeral! Just use the torch and heat the bolt until red hot, hit it with the impact wrench while hot. Cutting it off is your last resort. The flame will not even touch any part of the car other than the bolt, unless you are shakes the clown.
  18. Yeah before that we all would have had to view the real thing.
  19. Pssst don't tell him about anti-seize If I post this he will not give it any thought but if you guys mention it he might actually use that advice So keep it quiet
  20. You fail to concede that while time had existed a year had not even occurred. So in other words you would fail by a light year or 0.306391546 Parsecs, it is a good thing you don't have to walk that distance.
  21. In the amount of time he spent posting quite a few of us would have been done and already forgotten about it.
  22. I say if the Japanese want to row a seal skin covered boat to the Antarctic ocean starting from Japanese shores go right ahead.
  23. So you choose to fling insults rather than just get the damned bolt off, how about outsmarting a rusted bolt and get back to me OK?