Hi all:
I'm Stacy, and I'm returning to the sport after a long break.
A little history - roughly 8 years in the sport, almost 800 jumps. Mostly 16, 20 ways, a few big ways. Pretty competent belly flyer (I think?), but landing was never my strong suite. I jump a PD 150. During the newbie years I had some accuracy issues, which I eventually overcame, meaning that I can pick a general area and land there. But I've never been one of those people that can hit dead center any time, any jump. Also, the dozen or so jumps before quitting, I seemed to have lost my flare point. Sometimes too early, mostly too late. It might have been currency issues, or maybe just the canopy getting old, or a combo of both...not sure.
I left the sport in '99 due to a herniated disc. Had surgery in 2000, and did one jump in June of 2001. For various reasons, haven't jumped since then. However, after working for a year and a half with a chiropractor, I'm now good to get back in the air!
Of course, I'm excited, and a little nervous, and the main worry is landing. Since it wasn't an area in which I felt completely competent to begin with, it's even more of challenge after being out of practice for so long, and being mindful now of the metal in my neck.
The only thing I've been doing to prepare is going over the basics in my head, and watching "Fly Like a Pro". Not sure if there is anything else to do. However, I'd appreciate any advice, input, thoughts, support any of you would like to offer.
A well meaning person suggested using a zero P canopy right away to get a better landing. Since I've never jumped a zero p, I'm not sure that's such a hot idea. Plus the whole "borrowed gear" factor on the first jump back makes me a little edgy.
Thanks in advance.
Blue Skies,
P.S. I remember seeing a computer canopy flight simulator - I think in skydiving magazine. Any one know where I can use/rent one in the So Cal area? I checked the Elsinore & Perris website, and nothing about that.