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    quincy florida
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    Formation Skydiving
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  1. Thanks - I managed to figure it out. Great pics!
  2. the link to the photos is asking for login and password - is there another way to view these photos? Do I need a login and password to view them? Please help.[email]
  3. So many questions! Where are the good places to stay? Are there any festivities planned? Food? Fires? Fun? Of course when a bunch of skydivers get together it's always fun - are there more details?
  4. Hey Spence, It's Kim-Cherie. Tom and I have it on our calendars. We are looking forward to it!
  5. Thank you - any and all help is much appreciated. kch
  6. This is Kim-Cherie, the owner of the rig that was stolen from the loading area at Skydive Deland in Florida. I had just made my 121 jump - so you can tell I am new to the sport, been jumping a little over a year. This has been really heartbreaking to me - I never thought that I would be sick at my stomach for days over a material object - but then that's just it isn't it - it isn't a material object. Your rig is part of you - it is something you put your time, money, love, trust and your very life into - just like the sport and one another. It is so very hard for me to conceive of taking from another fellow skydiver their ability to jump. We all know this is not a cheap sport - it's not like someone took my $20 basketball - it's like someone took the legs right out from under me. It took a lot for me to get that rig - if you are a single parent or don't make loads of money and you bought your self a new rig then you know exactly what it took for me to come up with the cash to by mine. I am asking everyone to keep an eye out - this thing could have been taken out of the US - or it is being taken apart and sold piece-meal or someone just might show up on your dropzone wearing my red white and blue rig. It's due for a reserve repack on June 1 - it has a cypress 1 - the body of the container is royal blue - pin flaps are red, trim tape is white - leg straps and shoulder straps are blue, cutaway handle is red. It's less than a year old and has some red georgia clay on the left side. I love my rig, I love my sport and I love my fellow skydivers - i have been blessed to talk with a few skydivers I have never met and their concern and caring have touched me. I appreciate everyone's help.
  7. Trinity13

    Cypress 1

    new batteries as of Feb. 2006.
  8. Trinity13

    Icon Sport

    Body of container is royal blue, white trim tape, red pin flaps.