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Everything posted by Garycal

  1. Have fun & good luck get some pictures
  2. I will remember what you wrote and find out this next weekend if my looking over my right has any thing to do with the line twists Iam usally stable when i toss so i see on Sunday
  3. Tunnels are ok for rw practice and body position training,but nothing will take the place of a skydive from 18 or 15k.
  4. Iuse aDiablo 190 & have had several line twists but never had to dump it. Body position at pull time is a little more imporant i have found myself looking over my right shoulder this causes my left shoulder to dip a little thats when i get the twists but i never have had it go into a spin.It could be dumb luck or the light load i put on the canopy 0.947
  5. Iam using Aerodyne diablo 190 I find it very responsive and easy opening .My son used a triathalon 190 thought it was fine . Both the diablo & the tri. open slowly.Quote
  6. QuoteThe important thing is to get all the air out of it . Try after you land to get it by the tail and work the air toward the nose[
  7. Garycal

    Skydive Taft

    Found the staff and owner helpful and freindly.This was the first jump i did from under 12k still enjoyed it.I would tell my freinds to jump their
  8. I did my first tandem there i found the instructers very frendly and compadant. I took my aff training there they are very safety minded I would recommend to my frends