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  1. Probably won't be able to look into doing the AFF course until spring, it's autumn here and pretty windy and rainy most days. We were thinking of going to Cairns in the next couple of months to do another Tandem jump as the weather will be kinder. Really don't know much about sky diving at all so we are reading up alot. It had been storming the whole week before the Good Friday when we did our tandem jump in Newcastle and it was the most beautiful clear day on that Good Friday. It was just meant to be. I couldn't think of a better gift to give, nothing tops that feeling.
  2. Hi all, Just wanted to introduce myself. I'm new to skydiving. Booked a tandem jump for my boyfriend's birthday and I couldn't resist going too. I'm keen to go again. I'm from Newcastle, Australia. Hope to be discussing the sport with you all soon. Skye