Well, Im a student... Jumped the first time when i was 18. Now Im 29. I feel like an old man! Doing my schooling at Parachute Center in Lodi, CA. Got awhopping 2 dives under me w00t! And am praying to God that next Monday and Tuesday are nice enough to finish my student work!
As the owner of a large paintball community website, Im stoked to see something like this for skydiving. I have a pretty bad feeling I will be spending more time on this site than my own.
I have to admit, after jumping out of a plane, it sure makes all the other bullsh*t you come home to seem a hell of a lot less important.
Anyways, hello again to you all. Thanks for all the great articles, and advice on the site. Havent been a noobie in anything for a while, so it deffinately helps.
Day-Day that CRAAAAAAAZY bitch is out there again!!!