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  • Home DZ
    Taft, CA
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  1. From my AFF instructor not me, the dominant one which you should steer from is whatever is in front whether it's your main or reserve. The chute in front will stay inflated while the one behind it will probably go in and out of inflation. If you can cut your main away without it being tangled up, do it....again this is from my instructor not me, i figured i'd post it since it is still fresh in my memory from sunday.
  2. just walked in the door from my second and final tandem. He showed me how to spin left and right and I pulled the cord right at 6000 ft then I steered the canopy the whole way right until we landed. The wind was blowing hard and a huge gust hit right when we landed so we landed on hard dirt instead of the soft stuff and then the chute filled up and pulled us back off the ground and I landed on top of my jumpmaster. I was of course fine but it nocked the wind out of him and hurt his back. I fealt really bad and kept apologizing but he said it wasn't my fault. Anyways I passed and will be starting my AFF course very shortly. Thanks to everyone at Skydive Santa Barbara you have been nothing but kind and helpful. Oh and by the way heres a link to a video of a buddy and me at streets of willow. I love skydiving but there's still something special about dragging your knee on the ground at 160+mph.
  3. I don't think you realize how expensive racing streetbikes is...I'm giving racing up because I have to work on fri/sat's now but I get sun/mon's off so I'm probably just going to be transferring all funds to the sky. I notice some of you have 3000+ jumps and D-licenses within 1 year of jumping. How fast can you go through the AFF course?
  4. OMG, I love this shit. This is literally 1 day after doing a tandem for my 1st time. My girlfriend surprised me on my 23rd birthday with this and I think I am now addicted. I am a long time snowboarder/skater and have been racing streetbikes for the last few years so I am no stranger to speed and adrenilin. She figured this would be something I would love and boy was she right, I am taking my second tandem tomorrow so that next week I can jump on my own and get a real feel for freefalling through the sky. I have been riding race bikes for 6 years and as much fun I have hauling ass with my knee on the gound at 160mph I never expected there would be anything else that would effect me like the way racing my bike feels. I loved my 1st tandem so much that when I landed I signed up for my 2nd tandem to take place the next day, the owner said he's never had anyone sign up so quick. I always wanted to jump from a plane but never new it was so available, I want to say thank you for all of you who have made this sport popular and so available to newby's like myself. I hope you all will answer all the stupid newby questions I'll have since I know I'll have alot. I fully saturate myself with everything I get into and I feel this will be no different than anything else I love.......i'm still running the jump through my head over and, I can't wait till tomorrow, this is the best drug on the market.