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    skydive deland
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  1. so then do we know if the little metal ball is an isolated incident or is this a mass hystia of little metal balls out here in all these Argus? Is there a way that a rigger can inspect during their repack to ensure this doesn't happen?( not bashing- i trust my rigger) What i read of the faa law was questionable in the rewording ( i didn't stay at a holiday inn express nor do i play a lawyer on TV). Im ok jumping without an aad ( i just limit the talent pool inthe group), but i'm definitly more comfordable with one, Since my argus was just serviced, just sent to the manufactur for software up date, and has a post 2007 cutter, how do i/we know this device is safe to preform the duty it was purchased for? and the pisser is that my rigger has done some of this work for free athough i tip well, just seems like it was a lot of quick biased decisions made that is costing us money,
  2. the question should be has proper procedure been followed, example, toytoa had a problem with their gas pedals sticking or something, the cars were not immediatly pulled off the road, ford currently has a airbag problem, some were fixed, but the other 1million trucks will not be worked on until May, my argus was sent for 4 year check up, then about a month after hadto be sent overseas for a software update, i still jumped even if i couldn't turn it on ofr that day, for all rig manuf. to twist the faa law is wrong, there should be a way other than banning them that our local riggers can be sure the problem was an isolated one(metal ball) or not, i would feel safer if the rigger, rig maker, and the aad maker would play nice, figure which set up is proper( top or bottum) and lets us get back to playing, then this bashing energy can go to something useful like the ecomony!
  3. sorry had a get reply but the wireless bumped me off(so my fight is with the phone provider) back to subject at hand, what can we do is what i'm read form our own insurer? if it is so difficult to get 14 jump tickets together to then try to get 14 jumpers in the air together wow how are you going to reinvent the wheel of the uspa. our membership and our time spend having fun is at a very low cost. what skyride does or does not do is a fight for those who make money in the industry. we pay for insurance and a voice concerning where and how we jump. If you run the business then it is your choice wheather you accept skyride or not. we can focus on our ablity to jump where we see fit. that should be our goal.
  4. ok here is for the really simple minded people(typing slow so you can keep up) if you do a job for a fee.or paycheck,Why would you do it for less, beacuse you missed something or your business is less than you had or you have missed the boat in get what is your's by going after the market that is available to you, Shame on the people who put up our planes, Shame on the people who will not do their reseach before zipping the credit card via the internet. what i would care about is how we as the fun jumping society keep our jump tickets low, our insurace low, and our skies safe!
  5. if i ran a dz ok i would be pissed! or even mad at myself that i allowed my company to accept less money on a tandem because i didn't catch the business that some one else did, some one who came up with the tools or used the tools before i did again shame on the DZO's who donot market their business properly, But as a mere fun jumper who's true enjoyment tis plunging toward the earth with other fun jumpers and have to only spend 60.00 ayear for the insurance to do this, i think that the USPA should not be involed with skyride, DZO's should wipe the BS off their faces, figure out how to retain what skyride has taken from them, go after it. as for the fools who spend their money on skyride and complain about the fee's, shame on them for not doing their own research. we are in an inforamation time any thing you want to know is available via this wonder media we are presently dicking over!
  6. the web is the current phone book, so the idiot who has the best ad, usally gets the most calls, plain and simple, or more bang for the buck, plain business by rule, if the dz's advertized more or up their web's then there would not be the skyride business either way the is money out, and i guess that somebody is making it! to bad beacuse if i had the idea i would have done it. as apopsed to writing about the good the bad and ulgy, point was if the DZ's are not going to try to fill the phanes then some one else will. shame on the DZ's as a fun jumper i like to have the plane up as much as possible in a day this give more time with other fun jumper. I say keep our uspa money out of skyride yes, focus on tring to keep our jumps fun, our insurance low, and our sport growing one way or another!
  7. what's being over looked here is that Skyride is screwing it's internet customers by making promises and charging even more money for bad waether, next load stuff. Any of us fun jumps should know that the problem should lie with the groups like the Better Business Bearue or Consumers Groups or the credit card companies that wihich the monies are exchanged with, If they provide revenue for the DZ without a cost in advertizing then it is a good thing for DZ's, It is a good thing for fun jumps beacuse it helps fill the phane, If the customer's of skyride are dumb enough to pay money for good weather insurance or next load BS. Then they don't have enough sense to know how the world works. Take all of our negitive work it to our postive, as fun jumper it does cost us a thing! Business is Business Keep the planes flying, land , do it again! (sorry about the spelling all written before 2nd cup of coffee
  8. every jump should be a learning jump. we will always be students of our sport. trying to learn to quick or not properly takes people out of the sport. my numbers are very low. I have lost a friend in this sport, The worst feeling in the world is telling someone's parents what happen!
  9. wow, these threads really look like a cheap bar fight, and we the people of the forum are not to bright. I personally would like to identify some of ya' by putting you internet handles'on your helmet or jump-suits so I know when to be on the plane or in another far as advice, my best learn always comes from more exper.jumpers. andwhen the beer light is ON! I''ll start with my name on my helmet. you'll know if you want to jump or get off the plane. wow ok let the basting rebegin. Ducktape.