As hard as we tried to get away from the inlaws on Sat., it just did not happen. Sounds like we missed an eventful day, to say the least. We stopped by on Sun afternoon, hoping to jump the "New and Improved" Skyvan. But 2 loads after we got there it went from tied down to rolling toward the hanger. So off to the Bombshelter we went! We asked around at the bar to see how the event went and got a few blank stares so we proceded to have a few beers, spend way too much money at Square1, and let our son watch the Shark take off a few times (he thought it was "coool") Anyway, we are planning another trip, this time without telling the insane inlaws. So we can visit our friends this time. Let us know when the next attempt is and we will try to schedule around it. Kevin The new Beech18(turbine) should be at the DZ this weekend. So if i can make it till then I/ll be otay!