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Everything posted by bluestar

  1. A guy came out to the dz to do a tandom. He brought about a dozen people to watch. One of these guys told me we were all crazy and that parachutes were made for saving one life and not for recreation. I turned around and said "yeah and a car was designed for transportation and not for racing." I found out later that he races cars. Teresa
  2. bluestar

    Fear Factor

    Some of the events are great! My fav has to be the Wet Bike to helecopter stunt. Would have been better to exit the helecopter and swoop the wet bike but you cant have it all. Kevin BTY: great pics of the SCR beer bath. If I can find Teresa's ill post them. She did it in Feb at OPC (formername of OSC) They opened the hanger and prop blasted here and Jenifer during it
  3. As hard as we tried to get away from the inlaws on Sat., it just did not happen. Sounds like we missed an eventful day, to say the least. We stopped by on Sun afternoon, hoping to jump the "New and Improved" Skyvan. But 2 loads after we got there it went from tied down to rolling toward the hanger. So off to the Bombshelter we went! We asked around at the bar to see how the event went and got a few blank stares so we proceded to have a few beers, spend way too much money at Square1, and let our son watch the Shark take off a few times (he thought it was "coool") Anyway, we are planning another trip, this time without telling the insane inlaws. So we can visit our friends this time. Let us know when the next attempt is and we will try to schedule around it. Kevin The new Beech18(turbine) should be at the DZ this weekend. So if i can make it till then I/ll be otay!
  4. I began skydiving IAD, and one problem I never had was letting go of the strut. I have small hands and my 1st three jumps I could never get a good grip and would lose my hold. So any fear I had that I wouldn't let go was taken out of my hands.
  5. Michele Here are some ideas for the rules: 1. Be Safe 2. Have Fun 3. Drink Beer 4. get new cool T-shirt Just some ideas. Cya Teresa and Kevin
  6. We will be in Corona and were planning on jumping there anyway on that day, have to visit inlaws (the other relative work). Wont be doing large formations but fun jumps and 4-ways sound like fun as long as you don't mind low timers (70/30 jumps). cya Teresa and Kevin
  7. Our three year old son surprised us with a perfect BASE exit off the couch and in to a pile of pillows. Cya Teresa and Kevin P.S. He does not do this anymore. But him and his sister (6)turn points on the floor. It's amazing how hard you can arch when half your bones are still cartledge