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    Skydive Arizona, Eloy, AZ
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    Wing Suit Flying

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  1. Now everyone hold hands and sing the Hatikva--the circlejerk is off to an early start.
  2. Clearly Wow! The reincarnation of Golda Meir. Bullshit and more nationalistic/racist bullshit parroted by dispensationist cultists and uber nationalists. Utter bullshit. Complete bullshit. Go back to school. “Keep your elbow up!"
  3. Tough talk from another Zionist apparatchik defender of the neo-Holocaust. Strap on your fucking chute, your M4, your macho cybernuts and kite on down into the fray, Alphonse. Right to exist, my ass! Nuke Tel Aviv and we'll call it even. Over and out. “Keep your elbow up!"
  4. Most of us don't even bother engaging in these nonsense conversations anymore. And it refutes the cliche that "all skydivers are brothers". Shit, they're just people who happen to jump out of planes, too. I usually read `em and weep (as the saying goes). Third of all `Mericans are either complete or functional illiterates. So . . . there you go . . . “Keep your elbow up!"
  5. I've heard that a good holster makes all the difference. I like my 13-round cap .45 Kimber, so I don't have to compromise on a lesser caliber. Anyway, a nice IWB holster like the CrossBreed Supertuck should enable you to carry just about any gun you want--unless you're built like Nicole Richie and wearing a t-shirt dress! “Keep your elbow up!"
  6. Nice fairy tale for armchair commandos. Good guys get the RUNS after hearing the safety click off in the living room now that the badguy has targeted your position. Ooooopppps! Help me! I'm dead and I can't get up . . . . “Keep your elbow up!"
  7. And all you poor schmucks whose 401ks are in the toilet . . . too effin bad--now get back to work (if you still have a job). Socialism for the rich--free enterprise for you scumsucking proles. [Don't forget to bow as the chariot passes] “Keep your elbow up!"
  8. "reactionary moronic ramblings of dogma-driven whackos." Wow--another defender of the realm falling on ad hominem. How typical. “Keep your elbow up!"
  9. "Modern assault rifles trace their lineage back to the sturmgeweher. The whole point is just to put as much lead in the air as possible--not to actually hit anything." Huwuhhhh?? Shit--why not just give the troopies a bunch of sawed off 12-gauge shotguns or Tech 9s--since they don't care if they hit anything. Maybe the noise'll make the baddies run away like little girls! Come on. Are you getting your military info from some stoner Viet draftee who shot full-auto out of his foxhole between tokes? Where I live an AK-47 is the ideal weapon for defending a small ranch. Shots out to 300 yards? Not gonna happen in this hilly and semi-treed area. I plan on being the DEFENDER--not the assault force. If you're coming at me with anything from an M-14 to a Glock 17 you gotta enter MY killing field. The AK is accurate enough under 300 meters. That is . . . accurate enough to put humans down. Wounded or dead matters not to me. I can move around the land working between junipers and other structures. In a pinch I can "walk" 10-20+ rounds into a vehicle or small group from my hip and pop in another 30-rounder in the blink of an eye. Now if I lived in Iraq or the plains of Texas, I'd own an FAL in .308. But I don't. So I don't. “Keep your elbow up!"
  10. Sounds like you're supplying a quality long range rifle, instead of one of those inaccurate Commie stamped sheet metal junkers. In a real world scenario I'll take my "Commie stamped sheet metal junker" AK which is a reliable zombie-killer/wounder out to 300+ yards and my extra five 30-rd magazines in my sneaky bag. I'm v-e-r-y mobile. You long-rangers can freeze in your ghili suits on the hill as the designated marksmen while the warriors shlep our "peasant rifles" into the fight. Oh, and the poodle shooters (ARs) can take all the prairie dogs they want. “Keep your elbow up!"
  11. Compared to what? “Keep your elbow up!"
  12. Looks like it's payback time for BO. “Keep your elbow up!"
  13. BOO-effin-HOO!! “Keep your elbow up!"
  14. I can verify that folks here in gun-friendly AZ are buying firearms at a record rate. I, personally, finally bought my own evil black gun and several hi-cap magazines as well as a Ruger 10/22 with hi-cap mags for the little woman. I've got lots of ammo now, too. The gun store had a big poster of Obama on the back of their front door with lots of scary talking points. Oh jeez! "Hank, better make that TWO cases of Wolf!" “Keep your elbow up!"
  15. Palin says: "Friends, now is no time to experiment with socialism. To me our opponent’s plan sounds more like big government, which is the problem. Bigger government is not the solution. Whatever you call his tax plan and that redistribution of wealth it will destroy jobs. It will hurt our economy.” Farmer John--who gets government subsidies for his corn crop--finishes watching the Faux News story about some $700 billion-dollar bailout of the "free market" wall streeters, drives over to the US Post Office to pickup his social security check and then drives over to the local pharmacy to pickup his Medicare heart meds. As he listens to Rush Limbaugh on FCC-controlled airwaves he says, "Damn commies are gonna 'experiment with socialism'--my ass!" “Keep your elbow up!"