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Everything posted by BaconStrip

  1. Does it make you feel good to rip on these guys the day after their mentor went in? One of them did a EFS toast and they got kicked out. Get over it. How about deleting your post?
  2. I don't usually post but you have made me so mad with this CRAP I just had to say something. I've been driving a truck longer than I've been jumping, and I can tell you don't know one damn thing about operating a motor vehicle in traffic, or filing an insurance claim for that matter. I f#@in hate you Yuppies that slam on the brakes in your pussy little cars at the first glimmer of a yellow light and think its everybody elses responsiblity to stop on a dime. Why don't you step out and try that shit on a bicycle. Meat Gazer, out.
  3. If I quit my job, how cheap should my jumps be? I would hope they would be free because I have no way to pay for them.
  4. Thats right I think most people in this thread are not looking at the big picture. We have outsourced far more jobs to technology than we have to foreign nations. If our government would just stand up to big business and impose a ban on microprocessors we could create jobs for all Americans. BaconStrip for President
  5. Is anyone else still angry about that dam cotton gin. Talk about outsourcing, I wonder how many jobs it alone has cost America.
  6. People pay money for what they want. People are rich because they provide people with what they want. Think of the people who are very rich and successful, they provide things that society wants. Example Who has provided more for todays society than Bill Gates? How many hours a day do you spend on Would you be doing it without microsoft? He provided something that the world loves and the world has made him rich in return. Think about it. Instead of being jealous, why don't you go out and provide something for society and and you too will become rich.
  7. Sounds like you are educated on Nukes. Just curious, roughly how many pounds of waste would a typical plant produce per/month, year, whatever?
  8. Hey Quade, why are you such a hater? Why penalize the people who provide the most for society. Rich people are good at providing society with what it wants. That is why they become rich. Not only do you want to penalize them, but you also want to prevent them from efficiently improving the way of life in America. Taxing the wealthy 1% is a nice political catch phrase. But, do you really think that wealthiest 1% will eat the tax increase? Not a chance, it will get passed on to consumers like you and me.
  9. Sorry, I thought everyone had at least a few liberal friends, especially skydivers.
  10. Cutting into the the consumers bottom line, cuts into industries at the same time. Gas taxes are not the answer. Also, I would keep your proposed regressive tax, on the DL around your liberal friends(they might think you are insensitive).
  11. How about tax incentives for energy saving measures, inventions, programs, etc. Tax penalties on gasoline would increase the production costs of everything you buy and, or produce. This would degrade our ability to compete in the global market.
  12. Sounds to me like common sense is alive and well in Texas. Who really likes to listen to male-sopranos?
  13. Hiking gasoline taxes would have a major impact on US oil consumption. However it wouldn't be because pump prices cause "Joe Big Wheels" to decide to buy a Mo-ped. Increased gasoline taxes would strangle the US economy, which would slow oil consumption.
  14. Examples please, the only place I can think of is the political arena. Oh yea and Georgia were no one buys things from stores who have black clerks.
  15. What motivates you to hire biatches of all races, governmental anti-discrimination laws or the desires of your customers?
  16. It sounds like you slept through everything after that first week when they talked about the "simple little supply/demand line". Yea, and its BaconStrip with a capital B.
  17. Supply vs. Demand You have a lot of workers qualified and willing to work for your company= lower wages You have very few workers who are qualified or willing to work for your company= higher wages An employer who will not hire minorities effectively restricts the number of qualified applicants. This in turn, forces their own work force costs up.
  18. That probably went down in history as the single dumbest statement ever made on
  19. Your statement is very ignorant. Free markets encourage employers to hire the most productive employees. Employers who choose to discriminate suffer financial consequences. However employers who are not economically accountable, have little incentive not to discriminate. You sure do stereotype Georgians in a negative way, BTW last I checked Georgia had a very high percentage of African Americans. And, I'm sure there are even some, who have jobs as clerks.
  20. I would probably do it for four coach jumps with Ferrel. But, otherwise hell no.