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Everything posted by ClayFowler

  1. Chuck: Hey, I'm all about #3 but somebody has to sponsor my skydives! Oh...and beer.....and an occasional burger from Aviators
  2. Excellent choice of clothing for begining sit flying. It'll make it easy to get stable. Just make sure that your legs are parallel with the ground and dont fly "ass first" as this produces a high speed backslide. Have fun and see if you can find someone experienced to video you. This will make the learning curve very steep!
  3. Skystorm: Yes Ma'am, I'll get that prescription right away. Dont worry, my waterbed is waveless. If it wasnt you would have to wear a helmet to bed! Well....maybe you should wear anyway. Dont want you receiving any injuries from the headboard.....LOL
  4. Well....after all the response on the Tandem page I figured this deserved it's own thread. Besides, it's two of my favorite subjects. Throw beer and you have what occupies 99.9% of my time. Compilation of the top 10: Why skydiving is better than sex. 1. You dont have to call the pilot the next day. He doesnt care! 2. If you skydive with someone it's not all that embarrassing if you forget their name. 3. In Skydiving it's expected that you pull out 4. You wont hurt yourself trying unusual positions in skydiving. 5. It's pretty hard to transmit diseases during skydiving. 6. You can use your rig over and over again. Unlike condoms! 7. You wont wake up all sticky after skydiving. 8. You wont be embarrassed if your friends see who you skydive with. 9. Skydiving doesnt make your tongue sore 10. You arent considered "strange" if you ask someone to watch you skydive. I'm sure this thread will grow. It's a compilation of several I've heard lately. Your inputs are invited.
  5. I jumped with 3 stitches in my cheek last year. No bandage on it and I didnt have any problems.
  6. Lew! Fortunately, they dont get enough incident reports to print the column EVERY month. I believe it's once a quarter or every other month.....something like that.
  7. Lazer; In my ten years in the military I often HAD to trust my life to friends, Co-workers, and sometimes people I didnt even know. Just the hazards of the job. Now....I dont trust a soul in the air because I dont have to. A guy I know from Key West was trusting a co-worker to clear his airspace below. After the CCT jackass came through his canopy and knocked him unconcious he fell the rest of the way to the ground with two cells inflated (No AAD). He bounced about 7 feet off the ground. He somehow managed to live and is still a dive instructor at the Navy Dive School Key West. The video was nasty and I dont want to experience it first hand. DTA!!!!!
  8. I think it's the last weekend in September. Check their web site to be sure but they didnt have any real info on the boogie up yet.
  9. Michele: It's just that I tend to stutter when I reply......LMAO
  10. They all got drunk and slid down behind the bar...
  11. The only time there are too many skydivers in one place is at pull time! As far as the rest of it....Whatever works to get the chics naked! I find hot tubs and alcohol are usually good starters.
  12. The only time there are too many skydivers in one place is at pull time! As far as the rest of it....Whatever works to get the chics naked!
  13. Well...when you feel comfortable with it....barrel roll while tracking (slowly so you get a good scan) I free fly so it's easy to clear around 4,000 from a sit or stand. I pull at 3,000. If you are one of the dinosaur belly fliers (or students) Practice tracking on your back. Keep altitude aware!!!!!!! As far as being under a large formation. I would try to get right in the middle of it. The camera flyer should pull when every one else tracks. ( hope he doesnt have a mal!!) I cant imagine that being any lower than 3500 unless it's a highly experienced team screwing around. Seen it! When they start tracking and the camera flyer shall you. Do what you can to stay out of this situation though. Take a peek around during the dive and try to remain aware of your surroundings.
  14. Remember...Pull at altitude, Pull stable, and Pull and then Drink like a Viking. Oh yeah....Bring Hotties to the Drop Zone!!!!!!!!
  15. I'll be there one day this weekend, Lisa. If you're owin beer for 200 on Sat I may have to make the trip! Good luck and NO CUTAWAYS like Jerkies 500th last weekend!
  16. First question......What service are you in? It can make a huge difference in how hard it is to start a club. You see....I have been down this road before. Last year I found out that the Air Force....around 93 or so rewrote the reg that covers MWR. They left out all references to skydiving. Cause most of the AF are pogues right? Well...if you are AF it'll be tough...but not impossible. Army? are in business. Talk with Skymonkeyone as the rigger at his club (Greg Offhause) helped write that reg for the Army. Helo support is EASY to get there. Just find the ROMAD (USAF) shop at Humphreys (The Hump) and they should be able to walk you through getting a Helo damn near whenever you want it. Also making some buddies in the SF world can be real helpful. They will have the lock on getting things done and they can usually "circumvent" some of the red tape. Certainly write down my e-mail "" and shoot me any specific questions like phone numbers and such. Let me know your service, AFSC/MOS, and that sort of pertinent info. Anyang Ha Seyo! Odishe'
  17. Now Now....nobody said you couldnt take it out for a few minutes to do the nudie dive. Let's not get crazy here!!
  18. Where ya off to in Korea...I spent a glorious 14months traversing that foul smelling country.... At one time there was a jump club at Camp Casey (up north) but it was long ago dismantled. If you hop on it right away you might be able to get something accomplished through MWR. Aircraft support is no problem....especially if you get to know a couple ROMADS.
  19. Funny you should mention the lighter fiasco. My Dad was telling old jump stories the other day. (last jump was 1965) Back in those days all they had were T-10's which they modified by cutting out panels at the back of the chute to provide the ever so cool forward drive. He was telling me about cinging the edges with a match after they cut the marerial. ( long before the days of hot knives) He didnt mention how many went up in flames. Did have a pretty cool story of a guy that deployed at pretty high speed and turned his T-10 inside out though. Talk about getting whacked!!!!!!!!!
  20. Ouch.....They dont call those things cut aways for nothing. should have listened to your mother. Now you'll look like something like Krusty the Klown with a superfluous third nipple....LOL
  21. I was schooled in the Jedi ways. I will continue to honor the traditions of my fore fathers. But watch out....I may one day snatch the pebble from your hand.
  22. I'll make sure and give you plenty of convalescent leave to recover. It may take several days to catch your breath.
  23. So get on the bus with Freaksis and come to the CASA boogie in Sept. at Monroe, GA. There will be several of us there as well as a lot of other cool folks. Work on the VRW!!!!!
  24. Yes Skymama, Step right into my examining room. Yes those are red lights. Helps my vision. Please put on this garter belt and 5 in heels and the Dr will be right with you. Go ahead and have a glass of Corvossier, lay back on the water bed, and relax. Please plan for the exam to take at least 3 hours. I'm sure I will have lot's of work to do.
  25. Only FOUR (sheesh) skills you need. Pull, Pull, and Pull then Drink like Vikings. Get all that right and you'll be a super star in no time.