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Everything posted by bannedinSB

  1. The proximity of Camarillo to Mugu may not matter. Lompoc flies out over Vandenburg.
  2. I fun jump at Skydive Santa Barbara, I remember witnessing your tantrum, and I am glad you “will NEVER EVER” be returning. Birds of a feather flock together, and if your friends are anything like you, they should stay away too. I applaud your effort to correctly spell “celebrating.” Prima donnas with an unfounded feeling of entitlement wouldn’t know a fun skydive if they’d just earned a diploma in it, nevermind that they’d gone skydiving to celebrate. You’ve only got yourself to thank for memories of yourself whining, bitching, moaning, groaning and complaining instead of enjoying yourself and letting the little things go. You get an “A” for shitting on the moment. You have a lot to learn.