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  • Main Canopy Other
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  • First Choice Discipline
    BASE Jumping
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    BASE Jumping
  1. P. E. huh? Tempting. I will be passing through there late November. Do you have a contact or website I could poach? Spending two months in Playa Del Carmen. Any word if something is going on there? Thanks
  2. slickrock

    Southern Spain

    A friend and I where there two years ago. The only thing we found was a really nice 350 ish bridge on the highway between Madrid and Valencia. Other than that we went up to France. Good luck
  3. Thanks for the link. We jumped that house when it was under construction and the day before the shoot. I add this to my collection. PS The only thing that was compiter generated was the Wings and the second story of the house. The lawn, garden hose, walls, door, fence Etc. were real. cya
  4. hey folks. Me and a bunch of friends jumped the house when it was under construction. Does any one have a copy of the comerical. Would love to add it to my viedo. Thanks
  5. Slickrock is running specials for the skydiving boogie and also for the Turkey Boogie in Moab. Call for detials. Cya
  6. Hey people. My wife and I live in Moab and will be traveling to Michigan for a family reunion in a week or so. Not exactly sure when just yet. Would love to have some fun when the family isn't looking. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  7. seven seconds on a 1200' antenna. I just let it fly without releasing the toggles watching my decent in relationship to the A and the ground. A test flair or two and a nice soft landing. From there I never gave it another thought.
  8. Odessey with a 244 Dagger. DBS are right on from day one so I never moved them. Helment and Knee pads. 42 f111 PC. 400 foot cliff with a good one second delay. Winds 2 to 5 left to right but variable.
  9. Hi People. I was the fellow that hit the wall. I want to clarify that I did go for the left rear riser with my right hand only seconds after pulling down the left toggle. Both toggle and riser were all the way down. I did manage to get the canopy turned but was sliding down wind and hit the fin adjoining the cliff I exited. I know this because I had to swing my body 90 degrees to the right to face the wall for impact. (Feet First.) I was unable to release the right toggle. Just couldn't find it it the mele. So in closing. Risers are good. Winds are bad. Next time I will walk down. I have one witness from the ground and he has helped me sort this all out. I have 126 base jumps and 94 skydives. I have been hurt bad twice skydiving and once base jumping. Be safe and have fun. If you come to Moab come see us at Slickrock Blue Skies and Brown Rocks!