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  1. Thanks all. I'll give them a call. Hopefully a couple pounds won't do me in. I'm really looking forward to this!
  2. This quote is taken from the movie Bullworth, but I totally agree with it....... "Everybody just got to keep f*cking everybody till we're all the same color." Will that solve it? I don't know, but I'll die trying!
  3. Hey, I live in Vero Beach, FL. Looking to do my first ever jump as a tandem. I'm pretty new to the area so will be heading up to jump myself. I've always wanted to give it a go. We have Skydive Sebastian and FreeFall Adventures both at the Sebastian airport nearby. Not sure the difference from their websites. Can someone shed some light on the difference? Good place for a first tandem? I think the location with ocean view would rock! Which is best? I'm ready to go as soon as I can drop a couple pounds. They show 230 minimum and I'm 6' 1" and 229 buck naked, so with clothes I'll be 234 easy. I'm hitting the gym hard, but it's hard to drop any more fat and not gain muscle. I'm working on it! Maybe I can meet up with someone local on my first jump day? Be fun to share it with someone into the sport.