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Everything posted by Governor

  1. For discussion purposes let's assume there are 4 million jumps made by all methods of skydiving and 40 fatal accidents each year and 40 thousand real skydivers. If you are a tandem jumper your odds of having a fatal jump are 1 in 4 million. If you are a bullet proof wonder in that 300 to 900 hundred jump window you really don't realize the risk you are taking. After all, you account for over 80% of all serious and fatal accidents. In the last case are those who have several decades and 1000's of jumps invested in the sport and realize the odds of them being involved in a fatal accident are very real, 1 in 40,000. Humm, those are not great odds! Wonder how they manage to hang around for so long?
  2. Jason, you got the error becuase you are trying to claim something that isn't yours!! Ever hear of Bad Karma?
  3. Wow, how old is she? If 30 years, she would have had to jump twice each day since age 10!
  4. Not a lost art, just no longer needed with the advent of multiple R'navs in da panel! Your jump ship captain knows how to use deez gizmos and put you right on target correcting for winds aloft and dem on the surface!
  5. Your pilot takes the hit if your reserve is out and you get ramp checked by the FAA. There is no "grace period," if it is out it is out. Now do the math! If there is an accident of some sort an investigation will certainly follow and you, the pilot, the DZ and anyone else associated with it can be fined and/or have ratings suspended/revoked or both. An expired reserve has exponential implications particularly if a student is at issue. If the reserve had nothing to do with the accident, enforcement action by the FEDS may still be severe!! Now, do you really want to put all of your friends at risk? You know, the pilot you like to fly with, the instructors you grew up with and respect, all because you are too lazy or tight to spend the time and effort to tend to your reserve? Come on, you are talking about $45 in most cases. Your instuctor(s), never told you these things?
  6. Are they Skyride victims? To avoid this happening again check out At least they will know where not to go. Need help? Let us know!
  7. B cups? What is there to see? It is far less costly for us just to buy the latest favorite girly mag at that news stand. Come on, cut it off cut it off at 34-D's or better!
  8. Sounds like this guy needs to whip out some plastic instead of waiting for a free tandem! On the other hand, a hot, naked chick has much more to negotiate with!! Your finances seem to be pretty much "ditto" with ours.....
  9. How much did it cost for the Tandem Instructor to get his/her rating(s) How much did it cost for the pilot to get his? How much did it cost for the plane and tandem rig? How much does it cost to keep the doors open at the DZ where you want to jump? You know, the lights, water, lease, staff etc. How much did it cost for the two loads of fuel they just put the plane? In DZO 101 you learn to omit the word free from your vocabulary And you wanna do what?? Free? No one understands what you are asking....