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Everything posted by MisConFit8

  1. I completely agree with this. When I began, 2 months ago, I was so afraid to get in the door - partly due to an EXTREME case of "fear of heights" and partly because IT'S AN AIRPLANE for God sakes ... anyway, it was haunting me at all times of the night/day/work/etc. between jumps. I finally had the discussion with myself that this thing I was calling "fear" was actually why people do this. I found that once I embraced the feelings when they showed up, thinking that I was getting everything there was to this jump - even the "funny feelings", I stayed aware and there was just as much "anticipation", but not 1/2 of the "fear". And still today, after spending 8 weeks to accomplish 50 jumps - weekends only - I will get EXTREMELY nervous on that first one of the weekend. Why? Because you are JUMPING OUT OF A MOVING PLANE ... it's not normal - it's FANTASTIC, but not normal In any case, I think the resounding tone is that it is normal ... you are feeling just how you are supposed to ... learn to enjoy it - you'll want it back when you start feeling "normal" about jumping! "Dream as if you'll live forever, and live as if you'll die tomorrow." James Dean
  2. I have one question ... isn't the body's response to extended periods of Cortisol release - weight gain? Does that mean that while you are still "stressin'" on the way up for your first 200 jumps, you are releasing repetitive amounts of Cortisol; therefore leading in weight gain? I have some historical endocrine issues that assist in arising this curiosity when reading what jtlmd had to say. Thanks "Dream as if you'll live forever, and live as if you'll die tomorrow." James Dean
  3. Here's my opinion, for what it's worth ... EVERY newbie HAS to watch Cutaway! Why? At some point you are going to want to know what a speed star is, w/o being deemed an idiot at your DZ. And because there are two rather large redeeming, authentic skydiving qualities - 1) Norm Kent did some of the videography! and 2) chicks that skydive really DO rock! Enjoy! "Dream as if you'll live forever, and live as if you'll die tomorrow." James Dean
  4. Did you ever complete the package? And was anyone interested in purchasing or at least demoing it? I ask because i was thinking of developing something of the same for my DZ owner, and any other local DZ's if they were interested. Trying to fund my first rig Thanks for any info. "Dream as if you'll live forever, and live as if you'll die tomorrow." James Dean