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Everything posted by Yossarian

  1. its on skydiving movies, quite near the top of the newest movies bit
  2. i tell people about the few minor injuries ive had, the only thing that attracts the ladies more than a skydiver is a wounded helpless skydiver sarcastic? you decide....
  3. must be on itv2 or itv3 early in the morning or something, just keep checking the radio times
  4. i always wondered if he was trying to make out it was murder so his family would still recieve the life insurance policy he would have had from being in the army, as they dont pay out for a suicide i dont think. im also sceptical about the £17,000 debt not being a factor, thats certainly not the average level of student debt for a 2nd year (im a 2nd yr and mine stands at £6,000, and it gets paid back automatically through tax when you earn over £15,000 a year), especially as he was being sponsored by the army, that means no tuition fees and you are being paid as an officer cadet in the army with a reasonable salary.
  5. what happened to the his two team-mates? havent seen them at any bcpa events this year or last, or anyone from shrivenham for that matter
  6. thats the trouble with tv programmes, bias etc (unless one agrees with the bias, obviously, then theyre great!)
  7. i thought it was good overall, certainly not bad for the sport i dont think. the rig tampering sounded like they just popped his main-pin so he had to repack, they just took ages to say it. the only problem i had was them trying to push murder without providing any motives or suspects or anything. ah well, im sure its all been discussed before, and i can imagine theres a fair few pages on it to occupy my time!
  8. well even if it is rubbish, it'll still be good to be able to watch skydiving on tv
  9. the tv guide caption says 'was it murder, suicide, or something else?' i think im watching it to understand what else it could be more than anything!!
  10. theres another issue with landing in tall grass i discovered the other day, make sure you know how tall it is before you jump! i was coming into land, flared, and luckily managed to pull off an awesome plf when i realised the grass was nearly 3ft high
  11. i was looking at different kinds of container the other day on the internet (dreaming of the day i can afford a rig...) and saw the option of an rsl for teardrop containers and wondered how that works as the pin(s) for the reserve are against your back, someone told me that it works by the lanyard going directly to the reserve handle and pulling it for you (either the handle itself or the cable in the area of the handle, i couldnt work it out) basically what im getting at is with a teardrop, if you had a grip on the reserve handle and cutaway, would that grip slow down the rsl?
  12. booties are great for tracking, so fun the first time i tried it with booties :) plus they can use the grippers to pick u up and load u into the ambulance
  13. what makes them so different? (in a nutshell)
  14. never thought id like crw but its becoming more appealing, as long as its nice and high and ive got bowie knives strapped to every limb do those knives tend to get used much? they are quite conspicuous, and obviously very handy in the right circumstances, but to those circumstances pop up alot?
  15. so how do you actually do it? (dont worry, im not goin to try, but like the original poster im curious, as even with end cells touching the jumpers are still separated by a canopy width)
  16. sound system! can skyhooks be attached to any rig? either during the manufacture of a new one or as a mod to an existing one?
  17. i wear mine on the inside, mostly because its attached by velcro and im not happy with either the idea of it coming off in freefall and killing something in oxfordshire, and because i wouldnt want it snagging on anything. theres always the worry that either someone might use it to hold onto you in a rw dive and pull it off, or a hard opening might bust it loose and ruin a cows day...
  18. its not the same everywhere, it depends who's around when you need to do the 4-way, i did it with friends, some do it with perhaps those who cant afford an extra jump and therefore get their slots paid. i personally would pay my own slot to go on someones FS1 dive (i would also recommend they not take me however, ive only got 2 post fs1 jumps...) its mostly those who see themselves as coaches who charge a ticket, as opposed to a coach just doing a jump. in spain i saw someone do it with 3 very experienced coaches who all felt they were jumping as the persons coach. trouble is its just so expensive here, i cant afford my own rig yet so its £30 a jump for me, and for someone with £3000 a year income thats alot of money
  19. big sky theory hasn't killed me yet (and before anyone says anything, i can confirm that that was, indeed, humour of one form or another)
  20. that sounds hideously dangerous! deal with a mess of lines and canopy by throwing another into it. sure it works though, otherwise he wouldnt do it, and isnt that what they used to do before 3 rings? throw the reserve out first (literally i heard, also a scary thought) and cut away afterwards if at all? early skydivers really were nuts
  21. you mean theres something wrong with the 45degree rule?
  22. did a fjc when i was 16 with the airforce, but couldnt afford to keep it up, just seemed like one of those things that had to be done. then got to uni, the student loan in my account was the most amount of money id ever had (a whopping £1,000) and i saw the skydiving stand at the sportsfair, and 1+1 made 2! never looked back, even that time i spent two weeks eating rice and tesco value beans with hp sauce so i could afford 2 jumps. if it hadnt been for skydiving i would either be rich or not have much liver left, as it is im permanently at the bottom of my overdraft and trying to justify every jump, and failing, but doing it anyway cos this sport is more addictive than heroine and probably more fun!
  23. what are the rules here when it comes to foreigners with low jump numbers then? say for example a couple of yanks come over with low jump numbers (around the 70 mark, maybe) and a-licenses and want to do a 2-way, would they be allowed because they have uspa licenses and therefore dont come under BPA regs in that respect? i know everything people do in some respect the cci has a veto over, but would he make them do a 4 point 4-way or do a check jump with them before hed let them do it?
  24. well not so much low as lower than most, im just going on what i was told, but the freefliers i know at hinton all jump 120's and smaller (which is what i mean by small canopy, i know many of you will disagree as there are many smaller canopies out there, but for the sake of this logic and a conversation i cant remember fully thats what i mean) the fact it when it was explained to me it made sense with particular reference to local conditions, with my limited understanding at the time anyway. whos the new cci now then? has emo gone to weston? and with regards to the walk, im a lazy student, its in my nature to do as little physical work as possible, one of the reasons i call skydiving a sport so i can sound slightly less lazy