Just got through AFF. Made the one "poised exit" from the king air as required in the program. Since then have nearly patented two exits. One is the dive to the tail where I then do a 180, a flip and two barrel rolls. The other is the attempted poised exit where I look down, kick my legs like a madman, then flip, half roll and recover to do whatever the planned dive is.
just curious if others who were naturally gifted with these fun exits ever figured out how to repeatedly do the somewhat stable exits that the instructors like to see. I may want to do one of those on my hop and pop.
I've tried a number of different exit thoughts, i.e watch the plane fly away (haven't yet) don't kick the legs (the legs don't listen) Look above the plane and watch it come into view (slipped on that exit ) and finally do a couple of toe taps going over the hill (that was also on the dive where I slipped and was already tumbling before I engaged the brain-leg communications link).
anyway, appreciate any thoughts on this.