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Everything posted by P.F.

  1. yep...I didn't even know you drank...LOL http://home.comcast.net/~thefishwrapper
  2. Congrats, Congrats, Congrats. See you at WFFC 2006 http://home.comcast.net/~thefishwrapper
  3. P.F.

    Hellfish News

    Wana be kept informed of news regarding the "Team Flying Hellfish"? Wana know what there is to know about the #1 Skydiving team in the world? Send your Email address to Pigfucker (that's me). I will add you to the email list and any time there is new news it will be added to the Fish Wrapper website and a note will be sent to everyone on the list. If you have already sent me your address please send it again. I lost my email list do to an infection and everbody has not re sent it.. Please put "Hellfish" in the subject line. If you are a Hellfish member please include your hellfish number in your email also. Emails send to Hellfish494@Comcast.net The website is http://home.comcast.net/~thefishwrapper/ Thanks, P.F http://home.comcast.net/~thefishwrapper
  4. New Photos at http://home.comcast.net/~thefishwrapper http://home.comcast.net/~thefishwrapper
  5. Need to keep up to date with Hellfish News? The Fish Wrapper is now a WEBSITE. http://home.comcast.net/~thefishwrapper/ Come one come all!!!! http://home.comcast.net/~thefishwrapper
  6. http://home.comcast.net/~thefishwrapper/ Come one come all. http://home.comcast.net/~thefishwrapper
  7. P.F.

    Hellfish Addresses

    I still need Hellfish E-mail Addresses, Names and Hellfish Numbers..Please Send them to me if you Havn't yet. If you know other Hellfish E-mail Addresses and Numbers send them along too. I would rather get some twice then not at all. Bjohnston47@Yahoo.com or Hellfish494@Comcast.net http://home.comcast.net/~thefishwrapper
  8. P.F.

    Hellfish WFFC 2005

    You need more Pictures of the Bartenders.....
  9. P.F.

    Hellfish WFFC 2005

    Dude...I think I got a pic of you....You were wearing somting Pink and Frilly if I remember? Too funny....I will look through my pics and if I do I will post it for you.. :-) http://home.comcast.net/~thefishwrapper
  10. P.F.

    Hellfish Toga Party

    Only 39 days till Toga 2005. http://home.comcast.net/~thefishwrapper
  11. P.F.

    Hellfish Toga Party

    That sucks. It's going to be even BIGGER and Badder then last year. All the debauchery and more Taquilla.. Bubba is going crazy again this year...WATCH OUT RANTOUL...Here comes Bubba... http://home.comcast.net/~thefishwrapper
  12. P.F.

    Hellfish Toga Party

    Are we ready for the Toga Party? http://home.comcast.net/~thefishwrapper