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  1. That was a very emotional post Brent, thank you for sharing. You said you have never felt the same way about the sport since. This season has been full of incidents/near fatalities at my dz and I can't figure out the problem, usually people get lazy towards the end of the season, not that skydivers should EVER not be aware, but I have a fear going back to jump. As I said it is not a fear that something will happen to me - but too many things happening in a short period of time can make one uneasy about safety. I hope I will go back, I don't want to give up, I love this sport, but I don't like the otherside and what it can do to people and the people that are too far ahead for their jump numbers that my hurt themselves or me for that instints. I used to take a calm feeling in that there were so many experienced jumpers around that everyone watches eachothers backs, but people just seem to not be paying attention and it scares the absolute crap out of me. Maybe it's because I'm a girl and a little over sensitive.
  2. A few weeks ago I watched a very close friend of mine hit the ground very hard, I had never witnessed this happening to anyone before. Luckily she was ok and some how walked away with out any broken bones. I know at these times we take a step back and remember the dangers of this sport and what one wrong split decision can cost and to then be more aware and give respect to what we do... However, the image and sound of that incident is burned in my mind. Standing there so helpless waiting to see her get up, hoping she will. I haven't jumped since the ordeal, not out of fear for myself so much as fear of seeing someone dear and close to me get hurt or even retired by the sport. Do you somehow forget? Become numb to the reality of this sport? I guess I always some what walked around in denial that I, or my friends would never get hurt. I don't want to stop jumping, but I want my friends to be there in the hangar with me after every skydive. I'm sure plenty of you have been there, how did you cope?
  3. I think it depends on the person and their maturity level. I dated a guy who was 12 years older then me but was about as old as a 4 year old. I try to date guys that are at least in their 30's in hopes that MAYBE they might be past that dumbass stage, but unfortunatly I haven't had the best of luck.
  4. I think your on to something.. well minus the cessna part, I don't seem to get along very well with those.. Thanks for your insight all!
  5. I was burnt out from the politics and the "fake" people to put it nicely at the end of last season. This season started out pretty good, I was happy to see people and get back into the air, I love jumping and finally feel like I'm getting better at it, I can't really pin point what it is about the dz.. but it's really disapointing, I want to get better and become a decent skydiver, but I can't bring myself to get my ass out of the rack and be "excited" to go there, it's the same old bs, the same drama, the same gossip, it's exhausting.
  6. I was just wondering...I love skydiving, there is no doubt about it and I do have other things in my life aside from it. I have been in the sport for almost 4 years and the first year of course I was blown away by the people at the dz, and dz life in general, second year the same thing, this season I'm kind of sad, so many things have changed and things just don't seem as great as when I was new. Now I know the newness wears off of everything eventually, but is it possible to become "bored" of the dz and with the people? Or is it wrong to say that maybe the people you thought were so great kind of suck?