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    Redlands (Swindon, UK)
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  1. I met Bear, sat behind him on a lift at my local DZ. Real nice guy!
  2. Nobody True by James Herbert. Great book!!
  3. NateC

    Lee Evans

    Right here. He's ace!!
  4. I'm working through my consolidation jumps at the moment. Simply put, they're solo skydives where you practice what you have been taught. You are still a student at this point and have to be dispatched from the plane by an AFF instructor. Edit - Also, as I understand it, it's best to do the CH1 course whilst doing your consols, as you can't get your A Licence without it apparently.
  5. It's going up by £1... - Nate
  6. Here here, best program I've used to make a copy of a DVD. I'm now shopping/downloading programs to copy my DVDs to a PSP. Any suggestions? Nero7 is $100 ... but the demo I've tried works well. Just pricey. I use PSP Video 9 to convert mine... it appears to be able to convert straight from VOB files but I haven't tried... On the "getting started" page there's a link at the bottom to a how-to kinda thing for converting DVDs to PSP.
  7. If you don't want to burn the ISO, you can download a program called Daemon Tools that allows you to mount it as a virtual drive so you can watch the movie. - Nate
  8. A few years back I used to work in an open plan office with everyone. Anyway my mums cat was giving birth that day and she was worried that it would be a big litter so she asked me if I could see if anyone wanted one. So I turned round and said "Hey, anyone want a kitten?". The girl next to me turned to me and asked "What are they?". "They're baby cats!!"
  9. "Fuck it dude, let's go bowling!!"
  10. NateC

    Funny Signs

    I followed a removal van a while back. When it turned off I noticed the side read: "Hump-it Removals - we'll hump anything"
  11. I did a Tandem about 2 months ago which I really enjoyed, and then started AFF. I've done 3 AFF jumps now and i've loved every moment of them
  12. NateC

    My AFF1

    I'm ecstatic, I finally got to do my AFF 1 Jump yesterday and it was the most amazing thing I have ever done. Perfect weather and the dive went really well... can't wait for the next levels which I start this weekend hopefully Only down side is my face aches from too much grinning!!
  13. What about the movie "One Hundred and One Dalmatians"?? Maybe it's a British thing, but if i were spelling out 100.1 I would put "one hundred point one"... but i do see your point, we perhaps don't write "and" if we were writing out a number in it's entirety, even though we say it.
  14. "One hundred and one" surely...