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  1. Was it "lonley plant" or "globe trekker" as its called on US TV?
  2. Basedude

    Yay Strippers!

    Is this the same Bazil of "Bazils BASE babes" ?? He used to have a site or at least a page on a site with lotsa hot babes in bikinis years ago (if its the same guy)
  3. That is one of the funniest deployment shots I have ever seen. LMAO! Thanx for brightening my Monday morning!!
  4. Basedude

    4-Guyed A's

    Im comming home to Cork for xmass (without rig) PM me if you want to hook up for a brew. Sorry to hear you live in Middleton. Its a bit of a dive
  5. Ahh yes, one of my more memorable jumps. That Amber was a really nice girl. I have GOT to start working out again though
  6. In some circles, it's more a survival trait. I think that BASE 733 might be interested in contacting you regarding some clinical trials. Send him round. Trials are ongoing. Maybe he'll do better that that Cornishe dude who was in for an appointment a couple of weeks ago.
  7. Im a software QA Engineer. -WOOP-DEE-FUCKIN-DOOOO! More importantly Ive always got some 4:20 on me. Is that a skill????
  8. SHIT ! I posted the wrong clip
  10. The pleasure was all mine... She's probably still talking about me because when you we're busy stinking up your bed with those humongous farts, me and Kjieran were getting it on while Megan was filming. Don't sell that Vision brother! It's too beautiful. Looking forward to a visit to Boston, or maybe you guys should come visit Vancouver! Jaap, you whore Kieran was supposed to be saving himself for his wedding nite this december. Was it consensual or date-rape??? The Vision stays!!
  11. In my opinion its a no brainer. Twin Falls or BD must surely be the 2 safest spots (at least in the states) to do your first BASE jump, preferrably after a 1st jump course. A big wall is a bad place to start given that the first 3 to 5 seconds of a jump is the crucial bit! There have been at least a few fatalities off big walls that may have been avoided had the individuals had some previous experience on a safer object - ie - spans! PS - Jaap , it was a pleasure to meet you at BD this year. My wife hasn't shut up about you since - Is there something I should know about??!! Dave
  12. alanab + 10 antipinkchrissy base515 BASE516 base698 base704 BASEdude blair700 brits17 brothermuff65 cajones conoro djl erik JaapSuter jmpnkramer jumpchikk kevin922 ladyskydiver levin le Roydb lewmonst lifewithoutanet mickknutson missg8tordivr mnischalke NickDG nicknitro71 nsemn8r plfking pullhigh riggersam SkyFlyer skypuppy skyrose7 stevebabin swooper120 + 3 tomaiello treejumps vid666 weegegirl zennie
  13. I havn't been to BD since 99 but will be blowing the cobwebs off this year - yay! My question is, in recent years, have vendors at the holiday Inn had many complete rigs (canopy/container combo) for sale. I ask as I hear there can be a sizable waiting period for gear ordered these days due to increased demand. I already own a canopy/container but am thinking of up-sizing my canopy and maybe switching to a pin closed rig. On that note, I may have a Mojo 220/ (GS) Vision velcro container for sale at BD if I can manage to pick up some new kit there. Theres only about 20 jumps on the canopy/container - thats it. Cant f**kin wait!