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  1. One difference for the first time jumper is psychological. S/L, IAD do not give the student the illusion that they are not on there own, and that someone else is responsible for their having learned emergency procedures, etc... Both good programs.
  2. Um, maybe that's the OTHER Georgia...We used to call it "Soviet Georgia" but not anymore.
  3. Breaded monkey is over-rated. Is it legal to blacken a five-assed monkey? If so, is it then ethical to sell it to someone who has only eaten a two-assed monkey, and had no formal monkey eating classes?
  4. Thank you! You guys (and gals) rock!
  5. Thank all of you for the help. Snow, that is a hell of a story. Very happy and sad. But happy that she got to jump and feel that freedom. If you can get a pic, that would be great. My friends son said he couln't remember where he'd seen it, but he can't find it at his dad's house now. So any pics would be great. Thank you all again.
  6. Bumping, only because I'd really like everyonre to see this, just in case.
  7. Howdy. A good friend of mine is in the hospital, in pretty bad shape. He's a jumper, and in talking to his son, it was requested that I try to find a picture that they had seen at some point in the past, but the son didn't know where to find it. I have had no luck googling, so I thought I'd ask you guys. It is supposed to have an angel under a canopy, with her wings spread and crossed legs. That's about all I know. He seemed to think there might be a regular jumper in there too, but I couldn't figure out if it was under the same canopy as the angel, or what. Has anyone seen a picture like this? If so, could you direct me to where I could find it for him? Thanks!
  8. Haven't seen the rerun yet, but the lead in was a hoot..."the only state where base jumping is legal".
  9. mike_foxtrot


    It's been said before that skydiving is soft, BASE is hard. Well making the decision that your kids growing up with a dad is so important that you sacrifice something that is so deeply imbedded in you is HARDER. Props.