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    Varde, Denmark
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  1. Just being curious... Has anyone jumped the Sony NEX-VG10?? Seems like a neat piece of hardware.
  2. Germany had a nice round as well:
  3. I would guess that is due to the measurement method which is used... I don't think one would be able to measure the theoretical maximum. You also have to take into consideration that all SLRs have AA filters in front of the sensor, which will slightly blur the image. But when the measured resolution gets really close to the theoretical max, it is pretty safe to assume that the optical resolution of the lens does exceed the sensor resolution. (Like the 17-55 f/f2.8 @ 8MP test) The theoretical max @ 15 MP would be 3168 LW/PH. Since none of the 15MP tests on achieve more than 2600 LW/PH, i really don't think that Canon even produces lenses that exceed the resolution of a 15 MP APS-C sensor. Of course i would also like to see some resolution tests @ 18MP...
  4. Yes... When shooting HD video, the sensor format shouldn't make much difference. The test you are referreing to is using the unit of LW/PH (Line widths per picture height) In order to utilize the 18 MP of the EOS 7D, the optics would need a resolution of 3456 LW/PH, equal to the vertical number of pixels on the sensor. (And the 17-55 f/2.8 USM is one of the sharpest canon lenses)
  5. You're right... I was a bit unprecise with that statement. What i really meant was: An 18 MP full-frame sensor will give you a sharper image than an 18 MP APS-C sensor. This is only due to the fact that on the APS-C sensor, some of the 18 MP will be lost due to a lack of optical resolution (sharpness). That would not be the case with a full-frame sensor and good optics. Yes... In terms of sensor resolution .... But the word "resolution" may also relate to optical sharpness.
  6. But 18 MP?? On an APS-C sized sensor?? That's almost ridiculous. Not even the sharpest L-series lens will deliver that kind of resolution. And... By the way: Well... Full frame sensor = less pixel density = far better effective resolution
  7. A founding principle here (which doesn't mean it's still fully true) is that the people has to tell the government what it can and can't do. The opposite that you describe, seems more apt for a continent that was ruled by Kings for 500 years. Well... The two don't rule each other out. They are both founding principles. And BTW... Bear in mind that democracy was invented in ancient Greece. And not in the US, as your post implies.
  8. How about the guy you're talking about who killed 40 people with his legally bought gun. Did he also make the best decision possible? In my opinion a government absolutely has to tell it's citizens what they can and can't do. That's called legislation. But i realize that especially in relation to the gun-issue, there are enormous differences in culture between Europe and USA. And i don't think that any further discussion on this topic will bring our opinions any closer to each other... ... Which of course doesn't mean that we can't discuss it.
  9. Thats total bullshit to me... Where i live (Denmark) it is generally considered totally unacceptable to own a firearm for personal defense. And BTW... The lack of firearms in our homes doesn't make it any less safe for us. So if law-abiding citizens don't have guns, doesn't that mean criminals by default are the only ones with guns? Well... Criminals, and the police. We rely on the state to keep us safe... And in my opinion, they are doing that quite well.
  10. Thats total bullshit to me... Where i live (Denmark) it is generally considered totally unacceptable to own a firearm for personal defense. And BTW... The lack of firearms in our homes doesn't make it any less safe for us. and your proof is.... Well... I know wikipedia insn't allways an exact source of information, but i think the following numbers prove my point: Homicide rates per 100,000 population by country, 2004: USA: 5.5 Denmark: 0.8 No... You dont live in Denmark, but if Americans saved the money that they use on firearms, and invested it in crime fighting instead, they might be a lot safer than they are now.
  11. Thats total bullshit to me... Where i live (Denmark) it is generally considered totally unacceptable to own a firearm for personal defense. And BTW... The lack of firearms in our homes doesn't make it any less safe for us.
  12. The best "cloudporn" i have shot... Although its not wingsuit related... The sunset also contributes a bit....
  13. When using a mouth switch with my camera (EOS 20D), i have to set the autofocus mode to "AI Servo". In "One shot" mode the lens won't focus at all.
  14. I deployed at 4000 ft.... Main was open at 3000 ft. The reserve was inside the freebag all the time.
  15. A couple of days ago i had an incident during a 4-way jump. A badly executed block resulted in a crash which made my reserve handle come loose. After my main was deployed, i noticed that the reserve pilot chute and freebag was trailing behind me. The main (Katana 120) was flying perfectly. I decided to pull in the reserve and freebag, stuff it under my suit, and land my main. It was quite a struggle, and i didn't have control of the situation until 500ft, where i was able to release the brakes and steer my canopy to a landing. I have heard suggestions of cutting the main canopy after opening or to deploy the reserve before deploying the main. What would you have done in a situation like this?