Hi everyone.
I did my A-license jump requirements last weekend and got my A license signed-off the past weekend. (Packing license and written test). At last I’m allowed to play a little.
I started on the static line progression program in February and converted to AFF by March. I was fortunate enough to do my AFF with Tonto who is always ready to teach his students the finer points ranging from safety to equipment choices. (Even if it took a punch or 2 in the ribs to get me to do those pesky little dummy touches on my first jump.)
All the people @ JSC are brilliant and totally committed to the sport or shall I say the way of life. Even in this short period of time (5 months) this sport has changed the way I view life. For one, when driving to work I catch myself looking at the sky and smiling constantly. I got to know my bank manager better. I’m broke (but it seems that most of the other jumpers are to.) I spend I lot of time on the forums these days.
Hope to meet a lot of you in person someday. (I don’t even know everybody at my home DZ yet)
Johan Coetzer (aka. SkyTango, JC or Ultramel for some)
If you woke up breathing, congratulations!
You get another chance.