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Everything posted by lauraliscious

  1. I wanna know too....who are you??? Enemiga Rodriguez, PMS #369, OrFun #25, Team Dirty Sanchez #116, Pelt Head #29, Muff #4091
  2. Funny you should mention that, I think going to see a movie is on my agenda for today.
  3. Sunny and cold. DZ is closed, but I can't jump anyway. Hubby at army drill for the weekend. I'm contemplating going to the gym for a swim. Getting together with friends for dinner and board games tonight. Nice quiet weekend, resting up before the baby gets here and I don't get any sleep! Maybe I'll put away the Xmas decorations. Weekend has been pretty good so far.
  4. Awwww, you are waxing poetic today!!!! Wish I could be doing 45 ways with you guys this weekend. I think this post right here has made me miss jumping more than anything else so far. I love both DZ's too. But what I love even more than the DZ's is finding an awesome group of people to jump with, and share beers with at the end of the day....and YOU help to make that happen! Thanks for all the cat herding you do.
  5. I'm not positive, thought it was called the Hero, but it is NOT the HD model. We've had it about 2 years now I think. Sounds like the HD one does better with the picture quality, but I'm not sure? Ours was the cheaper of the 2, around $180 sounds about right. The camera itself is not waterproof, but the case for it is fully waterproof. We've fully submersed ours with no problems at all. I'm sure it'd be fine as long as it's in the case (usually the case is what you use to mount it anyway, so it's usually in the case if you are using it for any type of sport)... Enemiga Rodriguez, PMS #369, OrFun #25, Team Dirty Sanchez #116, Pelt Head #29, Muff #4091
  6. I think Skydive Alabama does lake jumps once a year or so.... Enemiga Rodriguez, PMS #369, OrFun #25, Team Dirty Sanchez #116, Pelt Head #29, Muff #4091
  7. We have one, have used it for snorkeling/scuba/underwater pictures too. It's great. I have a non-skydiving co-worker who has one that he mounts to his motorcycle. He really likes it. As for the picture/video quality, it's pretty good. Can't complain. Sometimes pics aren't in focus or are too dark and as far as skydiving pictures go, you'd be much better off getting a dedicated still camera. But for videos it's decent. Sometimes it takes great pictures too, just seems to be more hit or miss with that. Enemiga Rodriguez, PMS #369, OrFun #25, Team Dirty Sanchez #116, Pelt Head #29, Muff #4091
  8. Yup, those are the 3 Fitzgerald events I was referring to...the pre-boogie boogie in '09, St. Patty's '09, and St. Patty's '10.
  9. Yup, the Mountain boogie in '05 was the last one, that's when I met all of you guys thanks to PsychoBob! My life hasn't been the same since. Mountain boogies were in the fall, Dublin in the spring. I went to Dublin '06, '07, St. Mary's '08, and then all 3 (yes I said all THREE) Fitzgerald boogies. But I do have a t-shirt from every St. Patrick's day boogie you've thrown, and Bolas has it right of course. Bolingbroke was the 1st one..... And the Mountain boogie turned into Roaming Rafting, every year since '05. I've been to every one of those too. Good times!!! Enemiga Rodriguez, PMS #369, OrFun #25, Team Dirty Sanchez #116, Pelt Head #29, Muff #4091
  10. And I'm still a Virgo. But it fits me. If you were born on one of the dates between signs, I think that means you are on the "cusp" and can exhibit traits from both signs..... Enemiga Rodriguez, PMS #369, OrFun #25, Team Dirty Sanchez #116, Pelt Head #29, Muff #4091
  11. Me too. Despite the one really tough memory, I have some wonderful amazing Dublin memories too. I did meet my husband there, after all. I also did my 100th jump there in '06. Spence, you know there are a LOT of us out there who still remember Dublin! Enemiga Rodriguez, PMS #369, OrFun #25, Team Dirty Sanchez #116, Pelt Head #29, Muff #4091
  12. Graeters, hands down. They've just started stocking it in grocery stores outside the Cincinnati area, I suggest starting with the Black Raspberry Chip. Enemiga Rodriguez, PMS #369, OrFun #25, Team Dirty Sanchez #116, Pelt Head #29, Muff #4091
  13. 1. Don & Jean. 3. Dittodogg. Army Leave approved. Flying in from Deutchland to Atl.... Ill figure it out from there. 4 Taxiway 5. Lauralicious, MrLicious, & Babylicious Enemiga Rodriguez, PMS #369, OrFun #25, Team Dirty Sanchez #116, Pelt Head #29, Muff #4091
  14. Go to the Farm. There are lots of fun jumpers. They have an Otter. Hans will make sure you find people to jump with. You won't be disappointed. Enemiga Rodriguez, PMS #369, OrFun #25, Team Dirty Sanchez #116, Pelt Head #29, Muff #4091
  15. Congrats on the new rig! I remember the feeling.
  16. Having some friends over for dinner & games.
  17. Sounds like you won't be working for a while!!! I'm working most of this week. Have Friday off for the federal holiday. Wednesday is my regularly day off...I work 9 hour days and have every other Wednesday off to see the Baby Doctor. Trying to save all my leave for maternity leave!
  18. I still love my V6 4WD 4Runner, even after 9 years and 246,000 miles. Glad we didn't have to test it out in the snow driving to Ohio for Christmas this year though. Your story makes me glad we decided to stay home in TN this year! Last year over Xmas we had to stay overnight in KY on the way home from Ohio due to an ice storm. And the year before that it took us 12 hours to drive the 250 miles up there. Hope you and Beth had a great Christmas with the family though and that it was worth driving in that weather!
  19. Ummmmmm, I may be missing something, but....... Remote Area Medical is still in operation as far as I know. They just did a mission to Haiti a few weeks ago, and they have several events lined up for 2011. Enemiga Rodriguez, PMS #369, OrFun #25, Team Dirty Sanchez #116, Pelt Head #29, Muff #4091
  20. Ditto about the RV slot and about helping out! I won't be jumping much, if at all, but I can help with manifest, registration, the GSR, whatever. Enemiga Rodriguez, PMS #369, OrFun #25, Team Dirty Sanchez #116, Pelt Head #29, Muff #4091
  21. I think you're making an excellent decision. I started with a used Bev Suit with grippers and booties and a new pair of FF pants, and that's worked just fine for me. IF and when you get into freeflying then you can get a FF suit. I still haven't needed one yet, but the pants are fine for playing around, doing balloon jumps, beach jumps, etc. Sounds like you and I have a very similar build, and a fast fall rate...i have a good arch too from synchronized swimming. One piece of advice....don't get a "slick" tight RW suit with the nylon/spandex chest & forearms, go with the polycotton. The slick suit is fine for jumping with the bigger guys or 4-way, but if you start doing bigger ways and aren't in the base the fall rate can really become an issue. It's something I really struggled with for a while, my 1st suit was a Bev hot bod with the nylon and spandex. Just make sure they know when you're ordering that you have a fast fall rate even though you're a girl and I'm sure they'll help you out. The assumption that girls naturally have a slow fall rate is bogus, IMO. That's because women tend to have a really good arch! The slowest fallers are generally the tall lanky guys. Good luck with figuring this out, I know it can be overwhelming, but ordering your 1st custom jumpsuit sure is exciting!
  22. I agree. Excellent thread. I would love to see it as a sticky at the top of the incidents forum. Enemiga Rodriguez, PMS #369, OrFun #25, Team Dirty Sanchez #116, Pelt Head #29, Muff #4091
  23. Weather permitting, and if you have enough $$, I think it's totally possible to get through AFF in 9 days. Your odds will be much better at a DZ with a turbine that is open most of the week, if not every day. Just remember to pull! Good luck!!! Enemiga Rodriguez, PMS #369, OrFun #25, Team Dirty Sanchez #116, Pelt Head #29, Muff #4091