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Everything posted by SkydiveMonkey

  1. How many different countries have you jumped in? Just UK for me so far, but will be going to Empuria Brava in Spain next month hopefully. ____________________ Say no to subliminal messages
  2. I don't think I want to mate ____________________ Say no to subliminal messages
  3. Nice one JT. ____________________ Say no to subliminal messages
  4. London is expensive. you do realise london is only a small part of england right? ____________________ Say no to subliminal messages
  5. Where was that? Central London? I pay 500 a month for my 3 bed flat ____________________ Say no to subliminal messages
  6. Don't do it - he'll only kill more kittens with it ____________________ Say no to subliminal messages
  7. One pound = 1.5 USD roughly. 100 pence in the pound. It works out to about 4.5 - 5 dollers a gallon ____________________ Say no to subliminal messages
  8. I've been out last at langar before and had to pull at 6.5k just to get back to the dz (was over the landing area at 500 feet (and that was with a 20mph tail wind). ____________________ Say no to subliminal messages
  9. Come one - it was ONLY 4 miles downwind wasn't it? . Better than most spots at langar ____________________ Say no to subliminal messages
  10. The student does even get their arm to 45 degrees and the bridle is around their ankle ____________________ Say no to subliminal messages
  11. I believe the students AAD fired on that one. EDIT: ie. the student didn't manage to get it sorted / dump the reserve manually ____________________ Say no to subliminal messages
  12. No way !! I would have grounded the sucker if I ran that dz ____________________ Say no to subliminal messages
  13. Already have done ____________________ Say no to subliminal messages
  14. Thought about this before - seems like a good idea. Only problem is a lot of spam gets through the filters I find ____________________ Say no to subliminal messages
  15. Divide that by how many Suz? ____________________ Say no to subliminal messages
  16. Freeflyers out last imho. Just leave enough seperation. Shame most people work off 5 seconds, even if the uppers mean the plane has a 20mph ground speed . How many people have run the freefall simulation with Rw and FF out first? Unless there's a massive delay, the rw groups end up over the top or even behind of the FF'ers. ____________________ Say no to subliminal messages
  17. Should have added - I missed Brazil, Switzerland, and Tanzania. ____________________ Say no to subliminal messages
  18. How many do you know? I only got 7 clicky ____________________ Say no to subliminal messages
  19. I'm sure you could always ask nicely and give HH shedloads of cash for the day ____________________ Say no to subliminal messages
  20. Depends what she pulls ____________________ Say no to subliminal messages
  21. Or at least you could have if the auction hadn't finished already ____________________ Say no to subliminal messages
  22. Thanks for posting mate. Good to hear the second one worked better than the first . Just goes to show not even PD are infallible ____________________ Say no to subliminal messages