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Everything posted by SkydiveMonkey

  1. (*)(*) if it's a little cold ____________________ Say no to subliminal messages
  2. yup - seems most people are small, annoying, and have a girls voice ____________________ Say no to subliminal messages
  3. It's you americans mis-spelling everything ____________________ Say no to subliminal messages
  4. It's yours, but your going to have it in my harness size and colours ____________________ Say no to subliminal messages
  5. "You are Homer. Your sensitive soul seldom finds itself expressed in action. Though you may be capable of rising to a challenge when pushed by fluke or sudden fervour, you are more likely to remain a Lounge Prophet and rejoice in personal distractions rather than public causes. Homer is your man." ____________________ Say no to subliminal messages
  6. What do you call a bus full of lawyers at the bottom of a lake? A good start ____________________ Say no to subliminal messages
  7. And the ability to sort them by date as it seems a bit random at the minute ____________________ Say no to subliminal messages
  8. Just until monday mate. ____________________ Say no to subliminal messages
  9. I assume you'll be there next weekend for the Skyvan? I'm there from friday night ____________________ Say no to subliminal messages
  10. Just need your boss to read this now ____________________ Say no to subliminal messages
  11. Or Erno's [boobie] icon ____________________ Say no to subliminal messages
  12. Just get Opera which is a MUCH better browser and is skinnable ____________________ Say no to subliminal messages
  13. Anytime !!! Glad you like them.
  14. Skydiving Basics by Doug Peacock and Andy Allman. ____________________ Say no to subliminal messages
  15. Did have an A300 - it was ok, but it pissed me off at times. Now on a Philips 820 until I get my Motorola A830 ____________________ Say no to subliminal messages
  16. Dug this out of a book I got lying around. On the dive, you're skydiver D. ____________________ Say no to subliminal messages
  17. My new toy soon - when they deliver it. I'm just pleased you can take the camera off clicky ____________________ Say no to subliminal messages
  18. Isn't the FS1 dive plan fixed? Star - satellite - zigzag - star.
  19. she doesn't have a "mute" button though ____________________ Say no to subliminal messages
  20. Almost had one on my hornet last week - trash packed it and it opened in about 3 foot and just kept winding up. Of course, I was wearing my RW suit with booties for the first time in ages, and was having a hard time stopping the line twists going in. canopy was just starting to spin as I started kicking out. Was seriously thinking of chopping, but I'd pulled at 4k and had lots of alti left before my hard deck so I kept it and had a nice landing
  21. maybe if you put this in the right forum you'll get more replies
  22. I'm sure some CReW dogs will tell you differently ____________________ Say no to subliminal messages
  23. me too, but your in America and it's not THAT long ____________________ Say no to subliminal messages
  24. I'd prefer jumping in the day then chatting with you in the evening