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Everything posted by Cloudi
When will you be in DeLand? We look forward to meeting you! Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
Time released "newness" capsules embedded in the cordura. Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
Kiting? Seriously? I don't see any dramatic input to the risers or toggles during any of the openings in the YouTube video. I am sick of covering my poor, sweet Sabre2's ears every time some uninformed shmuck talks bad about her. Does she open off heading (off heading to me = more than 45 degrees)? Yes, when I'm a spaz in the harness but then when I get my sh*t together, relax, and let her fly, she always finds her heading. Watching her open is just asking for an off heading opening because I'm likely leaning one way or the other in the harness as I do it. Does she open hard? Not for me, but even my lovely Spectre got my attention once or twice. Does she have end cell closure? Usually, but that just means I have to either a) give it a second to clear itself or b) pull and hold the rears or toggles at 1/4 brakes for a second to let them finish inflating. Oh, the horror! Get a grip people. There are many great canopies out there, including the Sabre2, others mentioned above, and others not mentioned. There's absolutely nothing wrong with asking peoples' opinions on different canopies. Of course, those opinions aren't going to open, fly, or land it for you. Try as many as you can and make your own opinion. Find the one you like and call it a day. Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
The restaurant where beach jumps often take place is Sebastian Beach Inn. They love having jumpers land in front of their restaurant & will go out of their way to accommodate. I suggest contacting them and Skydive Sebastian to set things up. Keep in mind: it is quite a drive from the DZ to the SBI & back. Agree with Skymama--summer bonfire in Florida? That's like bringing your electric blanket with you to Hell. Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
Those BASTARDS!! You seem like a smart guy. Did it never occur to you to bungee from a 298 ft. tall building with the extra 99 yards? They probably would have thanked you then... Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
Was it a Sky Tie? http://www.skysystemsusa.com/accessories/SkyTie.htm Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
Glad you don't have to swap after all that. Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
That is correct. The RSL ring is on the left riser, facing in for all Icons, young & old. The exception is new Icons fitted with Skyhooks. Those are on the right. Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
Changing hosts. There have and will be periods when some people have difficulty opening or perusing the site. It is hoped to be "all better" by the end of the week. Translation for people like me who don't get all that website mumbo-jumbo: we just forgot to feed our internet squirrel! Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
No, the reason you started this thread was to stir shit and you've got your wish. Instead of scanning your logbook, I think the better solution would be to post a video of you packing your parachute (any modern design will do) then getting out of the plane with it and deploying it. That would be much more telling, I guarantee. IF you reach 1000 jumps, and we all hope that you do, maybe you'll have the good fortune to meet some of these people who you think are "attacking" you and share some stories and a few beers. Your ears will be open and your mouth will be shut and you guys can all laugh about what a cocky, deaf, loudmouth you used to be at 49 jumps. Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
I second that. Judging from the pics, those lines have been ready to break for awhile. HMA FAQ I know someone who helped write that... Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
Dirty low hookers are my favorite... Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
Sigh. Are we (collectively as skydiving consumers) not used to "waiting" for the new, cool thing presented at PIA??? It happens. How many seminars will I have to attend to repent for this post? Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
Ain't that the truth!! Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
Here's who you should contact: http://www.rigginginnovations.com/ The makers of the rig will know what canopies will fit in their containers. PD provides canopies to h/c manufacturers for sizing purposes at no charge. If you're not sure why, please read this article from the PD website: Pack Volume: The Untold Story. Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
Hey Dan! Glad you liked the Storm! They really are sweet canopies. Rolling or pushing the nose on most modern PD canopies is not necessary and even creates problems for the "less forgiving" models. Most canopies these days are designed for soft, slow openings and don't require any special "packing tricks." Rolling the nose is a technique used to slow down the openings on canopies which are opening more briskly than desired. "End cell closure" is normal for canopies designed for soft, slow openings. Usually the crossports will inflate them from within without any help from you, but if you want to speed the process along, simply flare (above the stall point) with the rear risers or with your toggles if you have already unstowed them. Basically, you're normal control check will take care of it. Here's a link to a video on the subject from the PD website: http://www.performancedesigns.com/pdzone/videos_endcellclosure.asp Keep having fun! Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
Hey, whaddya know...Monday snuck in there anyway! http://www.performancedesigns.com/pd.asp Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
And now because of some last minute details, I feel like a liar. The product details were intended to be on the website today, but are now postponed to Monday...aint that how it always goes.. Anyone wanting some info about the Storm can send me a line at kimberly@performancedesigns.com and I will send you what I have. Yes, I have plenty of other things to do, but I did say it would be on our website on May 1st... Otherwise, please be patient while we sort it out... It aint easy being patient, I know... Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
Guess you weren't a "real man" either. Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
Don't know if you meant to ask me or not, but canopy "misters" aren't something we want or need here in Florida. Sorry, you'll have to ask someone who lives in Perris about that or maybe somebody will chime in.
Hey Chris. Another example of one of the many variables that go into the "pack volume" of canopies. Thanks for sharing that. In Florida, sometimes we forget about the drier air found in many other parts of the country (and the world) for most of the year. We only get that for a couple weeks a year here & it makes packing a nightmare when you have a tight fit to start. Glad to hear your OP-143 is working well for your rig in all conditions. Good on you and the h/c manufacturer for taking it all into consideration. Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
Thank you Kolla for keeping such a level head in a "time of crisis." This wasn't an easy meet for anyone, but I'm so impressed with how everyone came together to make it work against so much adversity. Monica, Amber, & AJ were total rock stars! All were so willing to help and so understanding during my frequent "melt downs." It was a tough meet. Brian M. and Jay saved the day by stepping up and taking Al's place. We absolutely couldn't have done it without them. I'll say it again, because it's so true: we COULD NOT HAVE DONE IT WITHOUT THEM. They both were the voice of reason that helped us all get it done & Brian wins my "saint of the week" award. Both of these guys held such a positive attitude and were extremely selfless with their time and knowledge. They were able to "herd the cats" when everyone was so scattered (I now hold freaked out, scattered rating #1!) That's one of the many things that make the SE CPC so incredible & special. Such beautiful people who all have the same goal in mind. Each competitor, coach, meet director, and judge is completely focused on the goal and is dedicated to making each meet as successful as possible, no matter what the obstacles, while still remembering what it's all about--learning & encouraging each other to be better. Each and every person who attended to compete, judge, direct, coach, or support (thanks SkySystems!) should feel extremely proud of the meet in Palatka. It wasn't easy, but we all made it happen together! You are exceptional people who I'm lucky enough and very proud to call friends.
Nunya Bidnes I can say my real last name, can you? Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
Here are comments regarding Rob Warner’s recollection of history from John LeBlanc; Vice President of Performance Designs, Inc. I asked permission to post it because it is very educational and will give some people out there a little more insight into the issue of canopy sizing. Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.