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Everything posted by Cloudi

  1. Just to be clear, those are maximum wingloadings for each experience level. If you exceed the wingloading in one category, it puts you into the next one up. Student gear (meaning in your case, large rig with large canopies) is probably around 30 lbs. That means that your exit weight is about 250 lbs. Your exit weight puts you in the "Advanced" category for wingloading on a Navigator 240, just so you know. Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
  2. Thanks Doug. Believe me, if anyone had said my cutaway was "stupid" or anything like that, I probably would have told them to piss off. Everyone had an opinion, but they were all just being helpful. You're right, too. They weren't there. It's my main, my rig, my reserve, my life. It's my party and I'll chop if I want to! Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
  3. I agree with you on that. In fact, many of the people who said anything remotely similar to "shoulda" prefaced it with, "what would you do differently next time, if anything?" No one really gave me any shit. Just the usual good natured ribbing that I'm used to receiving and that I'm pretty good at dishing out myself. That's why I say "maybe" I'll spend that extra couple of seconds to unstow my brakes before I declare it a lost cause "next time." Maybe not. It was in a very fast & aggressive turn compared to a brake fire I had experienced before where I was quickly able to control it by grabbing the rear riser to straighten it out & then release my brakes. In addition, I didn't "plan" to throw my handles, nor do I remember letting them go either. I will try to hold onto them next time if it seems reasonable. I'm fine with my decision (I'm still here to talk about it aren't I?) and I have learned tons from it that I hope to keep in mind in the event it should happen again. Oh yes, and most important: I plan to stow my brake lines and toggles better too!
  4. Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
  5. Thanks man! It wasn't nearly as scary as I thought it would be. It was kind of surreal. Practicing my EP's several times before every jump paid off, huh?
  6. I had a quick opening (further proof--not that I needed it--that I need a reline) that immediately went into a fast, right, diving spin. I tried to correct it by pulling on the left rear riser with no results, and it was speeding up. By that time, I had done 3 revolutions. I looked at my toggles (which looked stowed to me) and was just getting ready to unstow them when "Rantoul" popped in my head. I decided that enough time had passed, said see ya, and chopped. Of course, I heard all the "shoulda, coulda, woulda's" later on the ground about releasing the toggles first, but I'm not second guessing it. When my main was recovered, it was determined that I had, in fact, had a brake fire. Maybe next time I'll spend more time with it, but for my first real malfunction, I felt like I did the right thing. As a side note, I've had a brake fire before that I was able to quickly control by grabbing the rear riser and unstowing the brakes. This one was fast and was approaching ugly too quickly for my taste. I let go of both my handles and didn't even realize it until someone asked me on the ground. Guess I threw them "like a bitch" just like I said I would! Another goal for "next time." Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
  7. Well, I finally found the time to demo my reserve, but not in the way I had planned. I had my first cutaway over the weekend (yes, of course I bought beer!) and finally got to see what color my PR-176 is: yellow. It was beautiful and flew and handled very similar to my Spectre (when it is behaving, of course). The only real difference that I noticed was how much more quickly the reserve descended compared to my main (F111 vs. ZP/176 vs. 190). It opened quick, but softly, on heading, and toggle input provided similar results that I'm used to from my main. During my control check after opening (force of habit had me reaching to stow my slider...duh), I took the toggles down as far as I would for my Spectre for a landing, looking for the stall point & it responded beautifully. In other words, it didn't stall. I landed very softly on my feet in the main landing area with a big smile on my face. What a nice ride! Thank you so much PD for making such a reliable reserve and thank you Louie from RWS for the save!!
  8. No, it's not total humor, just me making fun of myself because I had to color code my line attachement tabs (or whatever they're called--not the lines themselves) so that I could learn how to pack again. It's completely safe to mark the tabs and really helped me. It helps me even more now that my canopy is badly in need of a reline and nothing is really "even." Gotta get that fixed! Damn, I'm lazy. Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
  9. That's what colored Sharpies are for!! Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
  10. 'Bout time! Awesome news! Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
  11. Well...and I'm probably going to regret putting myself out there, but here goes...actually, it's not a case of "mis-matched" sliders, but rather a case of PD satisfying the customer. Some people like quick openings, some like slow. It's nearly all relative to what you are comfortable with compared to what you have experienced. This is obvious by the dynamics of "concern" over different opening characteristics: "I have closed end cells"...or..."I have hard openings"...while discussing the SAME canopy! The Sabre2 is a slow inflating canopy, but sometimes with inadequate pilot chutes, improper packing techniques (improper line stows included), less than ideal body position/speed during deployment, and yes, even the standard slider, some people are not achieving the openings that they would like. Since it is impossible to determine if many of these factors are being realistically reported from customer feedback (ah, but we hate to think we are doing something wrong, so we look to ourselves last), PD will trade out sliders to slow/speed up openings according to the preference of the owner. This will often make the customer happy, but if the other variables are not addressed, it may not "solve" their "issue." Being a Spectre owner, I expect 700+ openings (that was one big selling point for me, along with my preferred landings, and how much fun it is to fly). I have had only one hard opening (didn't slow down from freefly speed = my fault), one fast opening (not hard, but fast @ 400 ft - badly in need of a reline = my fault), and one extremely long snivel (1100+ ft opening, but I didn't pack, so I couldn't say the cause = who knows!?). 3 out of 250+ on that canopy for me means that the canopy is fine, and that I am the dumbass! I tried the Sabre2, liked it, but felt more comfortable with the Spectre at the time. I am getting ready to demo a Sabre2 again, because I think that I will like it better now at my experience level (minimal as it is). Sabre2 owners tell me I will gladly turn in my Spectre, but it will take some convincing - I LOVE my Spectre! I'll let you all know, if you care to hear my comparison. It is, of course, entirely possible that someone could get a "dud" canopy (they are made by humans, after all), but more often than not, it is a packing issue or one of the many other variables (pilot chute size/deployment speed/body position/density altitude/ill-fitting rig/and so on, and so on) that contribute to unsatisfactory openings on PD canopies. A "dud" canopy is not going to give you several nice openings and then all of a sudden slam you (unless, of course, you packed properly at first and then just started cramming it in the bag). A "bad" canopy is going to consistently mess you up, while maybe occasionally fooling you with a decent opening. I would like to say this about ALL canopies, but I can only speak for the ones that I'm educated about and trust with my life.
  12. This may be a long shot, but you might also consider whether your alti strap was tight around your wrist or if you had anything tight around your ankles. I almost passed out during a hop and pop awhile back during a canopy course (same symptoms you had: tunnel vision, nausea, light headedness). I didn't black out, but it was very close. I stood up my landing, but then quickly fell to the ground because I felt so weak. I loosened my leg straps (which is what I assumed was causing it) but still felt queasy. I was wearing my freefly pants that had bungee cord replacing the worn out elastic around my ankles. As soon as I loosened the cord, I immediately felt 100% better. Quite a disquieting experience. Just something to consider, although it very likely could have been tight leg straps in your case. I think (note that I have no medical or biology background) that women are more susceptible to this from tight leg straps, especially those of us who are somewhat "voluptuous." Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
  13. You are sooo right. Stiletto's are high performance and for some reason people are beginning to look at them as if they are intermediate. The canopy didn't change, so obviously the mind-set did. Buying rigs that you need to downsize into, thinking that 200-400 jumps is enough for a hp canopy, not getting canopy coaching (beyond the basic fundamentals of aim & flare), and thinking a 150 or smaller is conservative with 100 jumps because they're only loading it @ 1:1 are all issues that we need to get our heads out of our asses about. What's the f'ing hurry!!?? Why be so anxious to turn a "biff" into a divot? The larger Katana's are great news for people who have the experience and skill level [read as literal, not what your ego tells you] to safely and skillfully fly them and who have only been waiting for a larger size. Period. They are very fast and aggressive, and you will get hurt or die if you don't know what you're doing. I think that is the very definition of "high performance", isn't it? Most of us have no business with one (myself included, obviously). Sorry for the rant. Just a little job related frustration. I'll just wait for the next Katana request from someone with 400-ish jumps who wants to load it at 1:8... There is nothing cooler than watching someone make a canopy do what they want it to and there is nothing scarier than watching someone who hasn't figured it out yet. Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
  14. Hey Tonto, I knew you were a bad-ass, but no rig!? Dang dude!! Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
  15. Bingo! Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
  16. Somewhere around my 20th jump or so (still going solo) my altimeter "malfunctioned" (eh, it was free, watcha gonna do?). I was thinking to myself, "Jeesh, it sure does seem like pull time, [looking at ground] and it sure does LOOK like pull time, it must be pull time!" My altimeter said I was at 6300 (if memory serves me correctly), but I think I was actually at around 4000 +/- when these doubts began to surface. Scared me a little, but then made me feel pretty good because my internal clock and visual references kicked in for me. Another time I just plain forgot to put it on. Derr! Same rules applied except I had my man jumping with me that time, so that helped. ANOTHER time, my reading didn't match someone elses and I adjusted it in the plane. Stupid newbie move (coming from someone who is STILL a newbie, just hopefully a little smarter!). As soon as I did it, I knew I might as well look at my Timex for my altitude, so once again, I used visual cues and my internal clock. Each of these taught me to trust my visual cues because sometimes those handy little gadgets don't work the way they're supposed to. Depending on them is almost asking for it IMO. Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
  17. Hey Dave, time to update your "favorites." The new website looks like this... Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
  18. Ouch! I did the "pull w/o slowing down enough from freefly speed" one and that wasn't pretty. My coach shot my opening from below and I was all legs and line twists...not to mention it didn't feel so hot. On the bright side, the bruises turned pretty colors. Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
  19. I was just about to comment that it sounds like a packing issue. You should really only roll the nose IF you have a quick opening canopy and you want to slow it down. With 1000 ft openings, it's obviously not necessary. What size is your pilot chute? Do you feel the snatch force almost right away or does there seem to be some hesitation? How big is your slider? Does it seem to hang up there or come down fairly quickly? Are these all terminal openings or hop & pops? I can't speak for the Hornet, but the Sabre2 is a slow inflating canopy. Personally speaking, my Spectre takes anywhere from 600 ft - 1000 ft to open completely & I LOVE it! No hard openings for this girl. I'm loaded 1:1 on mine, but I don't think wing loading has much to do with how quickly/slowly a canopy opens (correct me if I'm wrong guys). If you think your pc is the right size for your parachute (refer to your main parachute owner's manual) and you would like to speed the opening a bit, consider trying a smaller slider. I would suggest having someone with a lot of canopy experience pack and jump it for you first to see what they think before changing anything, though. could try pulling in a track, not slowing down from freefly speed, or leaving your slider about 1/2 inch away from the stops to speed things up. I heard that any one of these will give you a real whopper! Just kidding don't do this. Better slow than fast, in my opinion, but what the hell do I know?
  20. I want in on the "next ridiculous post" pool. I sense another one coming to Gear and Rigging within a week. "How can I prove that someone has been tampering with my gear?" Any bidders? Seriously though. I hope you aren't serious, but I'm beginning to think you truly believe what you are posting. It sucks to be an outcast, especially when you put yourself there. Skydiving is not your RIGHT veter_ it is a PRIVILEDGE that all of us hold very dear and will do whatever we think will work to protect it and to try to save a brother who is headed down a dangerous path. You think everyone is "out to get you" while we all think that you are "out to get us" with your total lack of respect for your life and the danger you put others in with your behavior. Ironic, isn't it? I don't pretend to know what exactly you have been doing that has people so worried, but they are and you need to pay attention to that. Even if it's the simple canopy kiting in the main landing area, that's enough because you have been talked to about it and yet you continue to do it. Step back from the situation, get over your paranoia, and apologize to these people. Be humble and admit your mistake. No one is trying to kill you, they are, in fact, trying to SAVE you. They might not welcome you back with open arms, but at least you will have done the right thing. Stop blaming other people for the situation that you're in and take responsibility for your part in it. Be an adult. I wish you the best and I hope that I don't have to read about you in the "other" forum where all bets are off and the damage is done. Peace. Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
  21. Pleaseopenpleaseopenpleaseopenpleaseopenpleaseopenplease!!! Whereistheairportwhereistheairportwhereistheairportwhereistheairport???? Ohshitohshitohshitohshitohshitohshit!!!! Hey, I lived!? That was f**king AWESOME!!! Come on, level 2!!!! Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
  22. I agree! Sonic does ROCK!!! From a professional point of view, he is a great person to work with and is always positive. He's been one of many who have been a blessing for me since working at PD (patient and professional while I found my feet) & I just love talking to him. Being treated in a genuine way speaks to many people and in the sometimes "intimidating" world of skydiving where everyone has been there, done that, and bought the T-shirt, it's great to work with someone who treats you with respect. I get to talk to many wonderful people every day, but Sonic is one of my favorites. Straight-up cool, I say. Keep up the great work, Sonic! Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
  23. I'm with BIGUN. Anything that I see coming, I'm pretty cool with. It's the nasty little surprises I have a problem with. "Where the f*ck did he come from?! Nice count, jackass!" I don't have a hook knife, but I'll find a way to mess a mutha up! Have you ever seen a group that went out before you, tracking towards you and below? Not pretty! It's about paying attention to the line of flight and a decent count, IMO. Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
  24. Hey Ross! Congratulations!!! Your story pretty much mimics my own experience at Skydive DeLand when I was a student and I'm a local jumper. I point that out because sometimes "locals" feel like they are pushed aside for visitors, but that has never been my experience. The staff and the local jumpers at Skydive DeLand are all fantastic people and were a big part of why I continued skydiving after my 1st jump, a tandem. I'm so happy to hear that you had an equally positive experience. I hope, now that you are past the "student" status, jumping at your own local DZ becomes a similarly great experience. I'm sorry that I didn't get the chance to meet you while you were here for training, but I look forward to seeing you in October! Bob H. is the BEST! Again, congratulations for giving it 100% and staying positive! We wish you many happy and safe flights.