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Everything posted by Cloudi

  1. That was some delicious curry! Thanks!
  2. Beautiful! How's she treating you Doug? Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
  3. Um, yes it is. May not be the most "reliable" opinion compared to more experienced jumpers, but it is still an opinion, right? I would be more concerned with the opinions of the people who think a Sabre2 is an appropriate student canopy, but that's just my...opinion. To each their own. Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
  4. In the responsible manufacturer world, that's called R&D. We prefer to test stuff so that our customers don't have to. There is all kinds of new stuff in the works from many manufacturers. Whether they are ready or not is another thing... Waiting for the "next, new thing" is an option...if you don't mind waiting for all the testing to be done. PIA is about showing new innovations in the works, not necessarily what will be available in the upcoming season. It's a trade show for manufacturers, not a trade show for finished products ready for the market. Keep it in perspective and you won't be disappointed. Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
  5. Try as many different canopies appropriate for your current skill level as you can get your hands on. Please don't fall for the "it will be perfect for you in X # jumps." That advice is crap. Get something you are confident flying now. Try them all in the same size as you are jumping now to get a true comparison. If that size still feels too slow for you on these canopies & you landed them comfortably in many different situations, you and your S&TA feel confident that you are ready for something a bit faster (downsizing) and a bit more aggressive (higher wing loading), then try your favorite(s) in the next size down. Decide if you are ready for the downsize & get the canopy that meets most, if not all, of your priorities (openings, landings, flight characteristics, etc.). People are very loyal to whatever canopy they have in general & will tell you their favorite is the "best." It may be the best for them and many others, but may not be the best choice for you and it doesn't make their favorite canopy any better or worse than another. What really matters is what works best for YOU. Have fun trying them all out! Just my .02 cents.
  6. Maybe they'll build little air pumps into the toggles... Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
  7. No danger in that happening (or theft of the actual rig for that matter). Coming from the girl with quite possibly the most "so ugly, it's cute" rig ever made... Ah, well, I love my "bounce & go" Vector3.
  8. So, I guess nobody has a spare L&B USB cable... If I were you, I wouldn't trust anyone (skydiver or not) with a daughter, but yours seems pretty savvy, so I think she can probably take care of herself. In general, though, I would feel completely comfortable leaving my most valued possession (3 guesses, 1st two don't count!) with fellow skydivers & not so much with non-skydiver acquaintences. I am a trusting soul, until proven otherwise, but that may require more trust than I'm prepared to impart in certain company... Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
  9. Ditto!! Have fun on your fishing trip! Just, don't "catch" anything without gills. Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
  10. Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
  11. No more mojitos during lunch for you!!! Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
  12. Can I be your bitch? Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
  13. Hearing about a "Fragrance Sensitivity" meeting held today. It was headed by two of the the biggest, cologne-dousing offenders. I'm so glad I'm not in managment. Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
  14. Excellent advice jacketsdb23. So, until approximately 200+ (emphasis on the +) jumps, depending on how quickly this person catches on and how much canopy training he/she gets, they're supposed to borrow or rent gear? That makes sense... Sounds expensive to me. Not everyone is in a hurry to get to the ground like you, ya know. Peacockdonkey2, it would be nice if you would fill in your profile. You don't even need to have jumped out of a plane yet to do that!
  15. Yep, Paxton used to swoop the sh*t out of that Sabre2! I don't have any video, but The Skydive Store used to use a picture of one of his SA2 swoops in their ads... I think Shane Tully (sp?) took the pic. I could be mistaken, but I think he was loading his 150 (or was it a 135?) @ around 1.5:1+. Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
  16. I'm sooo disappointed! From the subject line, I thought this thread was going to be about infants in freefall. I had no idea I was going to be reading another "we have skills & natural talent, so don't tell us to slow down, we know what we're doing" thread. Oh Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
  17. Considering the amount of Mojitos you had, I would say you take a pretty nice picture. No drool, no snot, no obvious injuries, eyes aren't too crazy...and you didn't roll around on the floor in your own drink spillage like someone we know... Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
  18. I assume you are trying to say I'm at a timid DZ? You guessed it. We're just a bunch of wusses & yes-men here...yepper! That's what the farewell party is about. Some people will get a reality check from it and get their sh*t together, others will take their toys and go home. Good riddance if they don't have the skin to take it when people have been talking to them already. Spoken like a true "that guy." Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
  19. I experienced the exact same delivery with a blackbird a few years ago. The cat drug the poor thing through the pet door and black feathers were scattered throughout the house. Had to take it outside and put a pellet in its head. G-ross!! RIP poor bird. Awhile later, at a different house, it was a baby owl. Dammit! Why does he have to kill birds!?! Rodents, bugs, even lizards I'm ok with, but birds!?! Good kitty. Please don't kill me in my sleep... Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
  20. If he's as dangerous as he sounds, the DZO and/or S&TA should be the one's straightening him out. If a lengthy sit-down with management doesn't help him change his ways, they can help him clear out his locker. Shit-talkers are one thing, but not learning from their mistakes and putting themselves and others in danger is completely another, IMO. Maybe the whole DZ could throw him a "going away" party complete with party hats, cake, & parting gifts (bowling shoes, golf balls, etc.). Maybe he will get the hint? Save the keg for after he leaves! Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
  21. Thanks for posting the pics! Vinny is so photogenic. I had almost forgotten about the drunks in the elevator incident. We scared that poor boy right outta there! I'm sure other "bits and pieces" will come back to me throughout the week... Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
  22. What a blast that was, aside from a couple of the bands outside that sounded like they would bust out "Dueling Banjos" at any moment. Not much of a Country/Blue Grass fan... Sorry I was so lame and didn't jump with you guys today. I hurt myself last night with the drinks (my poor, poor liver). Thanks for getting the drunks back to the DZ safe and sound skymama! It was a long drive back to DeLand today. Thanks to all for a very fun night out in Ybor. :) That Rockabilly band that played upstairs at the end of the night was kick-ass!! I haven't danced that much in ages! Anyone know the band's name? You forgot Ralph in your list. I know, he's not a DZ.commer, but he was so much fun!
  23. It could also be because you are making your last stow too close to the risers. I can't remember the suggested length of free line you should leave between your last stow and your risers, but I think the "rule of thumb" is your fingertips to your elbow or something like that. Having said that, it's probably body position, as much as we hate to consider it. Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.
  24. That's exactly what I do for all the reasons you mentioned except for having a pull-up cord to close the container. Part of my "ritual" after I have made sure the slider is open, the risers are untwisted, & the brakes are stowed properly, is to hook my packing tool to the closing loop so it's there when I go to close the container. Then, I do the line continuity check (again making sure my risers are not twisted) & flake. Once I have the "cocoon" on the ground, the rest of my ritual is to untie the pull-up cord, remove the weight that's holding my rig in place, check my rubber bands, and cock my pilot chute. So far, so good! Kim Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.