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Everything posted by Ladybird

  1. We're gonna have lots of fun in Maribo Concerning Zell - we'll arrange soon and as Karin wrote it's the 17th and 18th of November. See you in Maribo and Zell
  2. Yeah it was absolutely great - looking forward to November this year. Nice video Jarno
  3. She was - didn't calculate to pay for the flight tickets twice Anyway - it was a fantastic week together with all you people - and what a pleasure to have Loïc organizing the flocking - he was great
  4. 1. Macca 2. Steve Such 3. Mark 4. Hunky Dunky 5. Frits 6. Hanne
  5. Concerning hotel, transport from airport to dz etc - Natalia is able to help you. She has been great and helped us a lot so far