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Everything posted by jazzjumper

  1. Send her my way, Val. I'll take her out to a young Republicans bar and buy her a beer. No matter how good she looks, someone, somewhere is sick of her shit!
  2. Now that is comedy. That is what most Democrats had to say about Clinton lying about a blowjob. But according to Republicans lying about getting a blowjob from a fat chick is about as bad as it gets. Glad to see everyone has their priorities straight. Him, I think it was about lying under oath during an investigation... and he was impeached (with democratic support.) So nice try, but try again. No matter how good she looks, someone, somewhere is sick of her shit!
  3. Wait a minute, the previous ban did nothing of the sort (take weapons away.) It simply put heavy limitations on purchasing new ones. There was no new bill or new extension that I know of. If you have a link to this (that states the government would take away weapons from current owners) I'd like to see it. Your comment is just short of alarmist... but considering the source, it doesn't surprise me. No matter how good she looks, someone, somewhere is sick of her shit!
  4. And he would if congress would send him one. They have to act first...not like he can just author it, sign and press. No matter how good she looks, someone, somewhere is sick of her shit!
  5. Yes, Newsmax is conservative. However, their stories are pretty rock solid. I'll look for a full text of the speech and try to post it out here. See, that is my point. This guy has never sponsored no co-sponsored any major legislation (the function of a Senator.) So it's because: 1. He hasn't tried. 2. He has tried but couldn't get enough people to support him to get it to the floor of the Senate. 3. He has tried, but no one wants to be near him because he isn't doing anything substantial (unproven.) Anyone want to chime in on the important committees he has chaired, or been on (and showed up more than 50% of the time?) Careful, the memory division will fact check all responses. No matter how good she looks, someone, somewhere is sick of her shit!
  6. How can a guy with a such a stellar war and Senate record like Kerry lose to an incumbant President during a time of illegitimate (yeah, right) war? Easy, he opens his mouth. Kerry: I'll 'Take on the Terrorists' with Gun Control Who needs to make crap up with a candidate like this? Edited to add: When Kerry posts the text of this speech on his website, I'll post the link here for verification. No matter how good she looks, someone, somewhere is sick of her shit!
  7. Yes, and I'm sure that every person who just happened to be named on that accidental list would have voted democratic. There were a lot of other issues beyond that list, and no one can say for certain how many went for each side. What can never be counted is the number of Republican voters that stayed home after the networks began calling the Florida results when Bush was clearly ahead, hours before the polls closed. Why was that? Was it intentional? Could it have affected the results? "Rep. Billy Tauzin assembled a list that makes interesting reading. Bush won Alabama, for example, by 15 points. The polls closed at 8 p.m., yet the state wasn't called for Bush until 25 minutes later. Bush won Georgia by 12 points. The polls closed at 7. Yet the state was not called for Bush until 7:59. Bush won Colorado by 9 points, Louisiana by 8, North Carolina by 13 and West Virginia by 6 -- yet none of these states was called for Bush until later in the evening, not until 10:46 in the case of West Virginia. Meanwhile, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Florida were being called for Gore, giving the impression of a building win for the vice president." Full Story Edited to add: So there I was, screaming at my TV wondering why Tom Brokaw is calling Florida for Gore, thus giving him the election while the polls weren't going to close for hours in Central, Mountain and Pacific time. Yeah, I was pissed. Anyway, it's history. After every recount, Bush still won. And a win by electoral votes is how the President is elected. No matter how good she looks, someone, somewhere is sick of her shit!
  8. stu·pid 1 a : slow of mind : OBTUSE b : given to unintelligent decisions or acts : acting in an unintelligent or careless manner c : lacking intelligence or reason The problem might be reading, or the problem might be following instructions, but lack of the ability to read is more ignorance. Stupidity is often a choice, but not always. No matter how good she looks, someone, somewhere is sick of her shit!
  9. Easy dude, you don't want our Islamic brothers declaring a Jihad on you. No matter how good she looks, someone, somewhere is sick of her shit!
  10. not if you use the original O Then you must be a native speaker of the original language to bear the correct context. And that would make you a little old. No matter how good she looks, someone, somewhere is sick of her shit!
  11. It is. Have you read the story of how the Book of Mormon may have came to pass? I unearthed this working on my family tree. I don't purport it to be fact, but it is interesting. No matter how good she looks, someone, somewhere is sick of her shit!
  12. I'm sure they don't...but if she was a Republican, I'm sure someone would forge some documents about her. Good for her...living the dream. Hopefully she will enjoy herself. She isn't part of the rent-a-crowd, is she? No matter how good she looks, someone, somewhere is sick of her shit!
  13. You are correct. This is one of the problem (just like with the Bible.) There are many translations. Unfortunately in the Koran, it goes beyond translation at points. Okay Pinky, back in the box. No matter how good she looks, someone, somewhere is sick of her shit!
  14. Hey, politicians lie. It's a fact of life. If Bush lied about serving his full duty to the guard (that is the issue, right?), what was the impact to people around him? If Kerry lied about earning 5 medals, and then came back and trashed vietnam vets and met with the enemy while still serviing in the reserves, who did it hurt? I think one has to take the degree of the offense when making their choice. Kerry lies to cover up other lies. And that is the reason he will lose the election. He is forgetting what he lied about in the first place, and blaming the anal exam (which all Presidential candidates get at this point) on the Bush campaign. Bush isn't doing it....WE ARE. We are the grass roots people. The right's grass roots are currently more effective than the left's. To me, it's that simple. No matter how good she looks, someone, somewhere is sick of her shit!
  15. Why don't you do that. I'm sure we could show easily that while it does everything you say, it doesn't match the perfection of the memos in question. No matter how good she looks, someone, somewhere is sick of her shit!
  16. The Bush propaganda machine??? Have you ever watched CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC? Now you have shown yourself to be truly who you are. And oh yeah, so Clinton was also elected because of ill-educated voters? You can't possibly wrack it up to the fact that some people will simply vote their party, and some people will go with their guts? You have to blame it on ill-education? Well maybe you have an IQ above the curve, but does that make you an idiot if you don't vote the way I want you to vote? No, it makes you an American who exercised his choice. I'm surprised that guy who seems (at times) as smart as you would pull that from your ass. It's funny how liberals claim to be the party of inclusiveness are the first to blame when something doesn't go their way. Your guy lost in 2000, your guy will lose in 2004. It has nothing to do America's IQ. No matter how good she looks, someone, somewhere is sick of her shit!
  17. Awesome....A+ on the homework. I'd actually read each of those (and remember the Leslie Stahls blunder) but didn't take the time to compile it all. No matter how good she looks, someone, somewhere is sick of her shit!
  18. Okay, see this is why I believe it's a complete fake. Now, you could say that an IBM Selectric cold duplicate this...but come on now! That is TOO close. Thanks for posting this! No matter how good she looks, someone, somewhere is sick of her shit!
  19. Yeah, actually in the Koran, 9:11 is: [9.11] But if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, they are your brethren in faith; and We make the communications clear for a people who know. No matter how good she looks, someone, somewhere is sick of her shit!
  20. Nice pie, Kalyne...why weren't you on your knees (the Gold Coast way?) No matter how good she looks, someone, somewhere is sick of her shit!
  21. This is the beauty of the USA, we can bitch and moan and get vocal about it. Even demonstrate, raise hell, and invade private conventions and still get off with a slap on the wrist. Most countries don't allow that sort of discourse. As much grief as it causes me, I serve so that other puny-brains wack-jobs can have their rights to spew forth whatever they believe. And yeah, I said it...I serve for my rights as well...even the right to be wrong. No matter how good she looks, someone, somewhere is sick of her shit!
  22. Sure it is. He declared an end to the major offensive operations (which is exactly what he said.) The "Mission Accomplished" banner is something that many CVNs display when they come back to port. It's not like Bush's handlers said "Put that sign up!" We are still fighting the war on terrorism. And I do recall 14 UN resolutions against Iraq that they ignored. No matter how good she looks, someone, somewhere is sick of her shit!
  23. Okay, that is a bit misleading. Those are only offered when it fits the training requirements of the surgeon involved and the member pays for all the materials used. Yes the CC does have to approve the time off for convalescent leave. No matter how good she looks, someone, somewhere is sick of her shit!
  24. Still doesn't mean it isn't a forgery. His wife said he couldn't type. Records show the unit didn't have a secretary at the time. No matter how good she looks, someone, somewhere is sick of her shit!
  25. Understand...the point is our way of life as Americans is at stake. If you are willing to put that money towards people who don't give enough of a damn to take care of themselves (not catastrophic illnesses like cancer) at the risk of losing our way of life as a country, then we indeed have insurmountable posistions. I believe between the two, Bush is much more qualified to get us through keeping the American way of life in tact. I don't care what it costs. That is what his constitutional duty is. Kerry's record doesn't give me any hope that he could lead us safely through this era. No matter how good she looks, someone, somewhere is sick of her shit!