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  1. Cheers everyone, thanks for the words of advice. I'm in Oz, not 100% but I thought you could fly wingsuits after 100 jumps? I realise that there is a whole bunch of things to try, CRW,RW, FF etc. I might end up trying them all, who knows but my goal is to fly with wingsuits. Thanks again.
  2. OK maybe BORING was the wrong word, it's not like I exit and think "man this sucks". I know i'm still learning and always will with each jump. I realise there is a whole bunch of things to do in skydiving. PeeJ, I posted this in two forums because I thought I would get flamed by talking about base jumping in the skydiving forum, that's all. Canuck in no way do i think i am some greater power and above all the problems that can happen on each jump. Thankyou for your reply. wwarped cheers for your advice, I don't want to base just for the buzz. I know it's not just a matter of jumping off something and hoping for the best. It's something I've wanted to do for a while now. base283, I'm doing ok with my jumps so far. Had to repeat jump 3 though. Everyone else thanks for the laugh.
  3. Hello all. I'm new to skydiving, halfway through my A licence. I've had an interest in base for a number of years now. My problem is, my skydiving jumps are well, kind of boring. I don't get a rush out of them anymore. The only reason i'm still jumping is to fly a wingsuit and to oneday base jump. My question is, should I keep going with it so I can base jump one day? I don't think I have the wrong attitude to base, I'm just after a bigger buzz and would like to meet people with a similer outlook on life as myself. Any advice would be great. Thanks.
  4. Hi all. I'm halfway through my A licence and I'm finding that my jumps are starting to get....well, boring?? Don't get me wrong it's still fun but I just don't get a real rush out of it now. After my first couple of jumps it took a good 5 minutes to start to calm down. Now I land and think " yeah that was cool." Is that normal? Others getting their A licence are still buzzing for a few minutes after their jumps. My question is, is it a whole new ball game after you get your A licence? Does that "YEAH" buzz come back? Or am I in the wrong sport? The main reason I'm still doing it is, so I can fly a wingsuit. Is that enough to stay in the sport? Please any advice would be great.