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    Kapowsin, Pepperell, Jumptown
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  1. Hey- I'm curious as to whether it's significantly cheaper to buy a Cypres in Germany (as opposed to the States)...? Are there import taxes or anything of that sort that might drive the cost up? International shipping must add something. If I did endeavor to get a Cypres in Germany, does anyone know if I can go directly to SSK? Somehow I doubt they have a factory outlet, but would they sell to me direct? I just moved to Ireland, and I'm planning on touring Europe at some point. I'd like an AAD, but I'm willing to wait until I'm in Germany if it will save some money. Thanks! --Dan
  2. drb


    I bought my Eclipse used several months ago. Thus far, I've found it to be very comfortable in the plane, in the air, and under canopy. The main flap employs "walrus teeth" (small thin tuck tabs), and everything stays where it's supposed to. The reserve tabs are very secure as well. These closing mechanisms make the container "velcro free" for the most part (not counting the 1cm square above the closing loop that holds the bridle in place). I like the leg straps quite a bit. I've never had them slip down to my knees (I had a Javelin do that once). Under canopy they never bite (as some rigs can...). Loosening the chest strap after opening tends to give my canopy (Triathlon 175) better performance characteristics. I haven't had too many problems with the rig. When I bought it, a thread was showing through the binding tape on the side of the main container. Nothing that would risk the structural integrity of the rig, but I had my rigger put a few more stitches in there anyway. When I got it, the BOC pouch was loose, but again that's nothing major. Since Sunpath isn't as popular as some of the other brands, I've had a few riggers tell me that they don't have manuals for the Eclipse. There's nothing especially tricky or different about it though, so I haven't had any trouble getting it repacked. On the whole, I'm very happy with my rig. It's not as flashy as some of the brand new stuff coming out, but it's certainly more stylish than most. I love the fact that it turns heads on the East coast. If I ever have enough money to buy a brand new rig, it would take a lot to make me consider buying a different brand of container.
  3. drb

    Rig Choice

    Hey- For some reason, nobody ever mentions the Eclipse... It's a great container -- I love mine! It's very comfortable, secure, and it looks great. :-) Give a man a hammer and suddenly everything's a nail I guess. :-) --Dan PS - http://www.stuntsae.com for more info.